Elijah scooped me up in his muscular arms as I wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me toward the wall. I could feel the coldness of the wall against my back. I placed my hands on Elijah’s shoulders as he thrust his cock up into my deep pussy. I could feel his body rubbing against mine as his perfect muscular arms held me tight.

“Oh, yes, this feels good,” I said as I rocked my head backward into the wall.

I gripped my legs tight around El

ijah’s waist as my pussy lowered onto his hard cock, “Back to the bed and fuck me doggy style,” I whispered as my head rested on Elijah’s shoulder.

“I thought you would never ask, that was killing me,” he said and laughed.

Elijah threw me on the bed, and I got on all fours. He slid his shaft into me from behind. I grabbed the sheets and buried my head deep in a pillow. My breath heaved and got faster and deeper, and I could feel my body humming toward release. I could feel the heat in me rising.

“Fuck, your pussy feels good,” Elijah said as he breathed harder and harder.

“It feels good here as well,” I mumbled into the pillow.

I reached between my legs and could feel Elijah’s cock being rammed into me like a machine on fire, I rubbed my clit as he thrust his cock deeper into me, and the spasms from my center shot through my body. My satisfied pussy gripped his cock drawing his come from his balls as he thrust himself harder into me. I pushed my hips backward and yelped in pain as he smacked my ass. It felt so good.

“Slap me again,” I whimpered.

Elijah’s hand came crashing down onto the cheek of my ass, again as his cock reached deep into me as my pussy let loose a flood of sensations. I could feel my body let go and I had a sense of being totally satisfied. Elijah grabbed my hips and rammed his cock harder into me. I could feel his cock tense as his body let go.

I laid on the bed and looked at Elijah, he stared into my eyes and smiled as he leaned toward me and kissed me. I wriggled my body closer to Elijah’s as we basked in our lovemaking, my body filled with womanly sensations as he placed his arms around me and cuddled.

I closed my eyes. “That was fantastic,” I mumbled as I clasped his hand and held it tight.

“I have never felt like that before,” he replied.

“Have you got any clothes I could wear?”

“What do you want clothes for?” he asked puzzled.

“Mine are wet, and I should be going home,” I replied as I tried to slide from the bed.

“No, please stay with me,” Elijah added as he pulled me back toward him.

“You want me to stay the night?” I asked as I turned toward him.

“Yes, I want you to stay the night, that is if you don’t mind?” he asked.

I gazed into his eyes, “I would love to stay,” I replied.

“I appreciate that. I just don’t want to be alone tonight, it feels so much better when you are by my side,” he said.

I turned on my side and snuggled my body closer to Elijah, his strong arm around my body. It made me feel womanly and safe to feel his touch like this. I was comfortable with him, and I was sure he felt at ease with me.

Chapter Twenty-Five


I arrived at the office and headed toward Kendall’s desk. I greeted her as normal so no one would suspect that anything had been going on between us. Kendall had told me that the staff had quizzed her and she had denied that anything was happening. She said she was just helping with my ailment.

I entered my office and called Kendall in, as there was something I wanted to talk to her about, “Kendall!” I called through the open door.

“Yes, you want me?”

“I want you every minute of every day, but for now I just want to talk to you,” I smiled as Kendall entered the office.

“Close the door please,” I asked.