Kendall smiled and placed her hand back on my leg.

I had visions of her running her hand closer to my cock, teasing me. I smiled and started to feel aroused. I certainly looked at her in a different way than before. We exited the Ferris Wheel and decided we should head off home because it was getting late, and the clouds were drawing in and the chance of rain was high. Summer rain. Perfect!

We arrived back to my house, and the rain had already started to fall, and the day had fallen into dusk.

“Rain shower?” I teased Kendall as I climbed out of the car.

“You’re crazy!” she replied with a smile.

“Come on it will be fun,” I shouted as I ran into the downpour.

We stood there in the rain, our clothes getting soaked as we embraced the cool water washing over us. I looked at Kendall and her long blonde hair falling down her back. Her nipples became hard under the dampness of her clothes. She was spectacular, something to behold for sure.

“Wow, this is fun,” she said as she spun in circles with her face held upward.

“I told you it would be,” I replied.

“We better get in. We’ll catch our death if we get any colder,” I said as I shuddered.

We entered the house, and I rushed to get two bathrobes. When I returned, Kendall had made two steaming cups of hot cocoas. We quickly got undressed and wrapped the robes around our damp bodies, and headed into the living room.

“It was a fun day. I really enjoyed it,” I said to Kendall as I sipped on my drink.

“It was, I enjoyed so much!” She looked beautiful as the steam rose into her face from her mug.

“Tell me, is this the first time we have done this?” I asked.

“What do you mean?” Kendall asked.

“You know, before the accident, did we ever, you know hook up or go on a date, anything like that?”

“Never, you never even spoke to me in any way apart from work,” she replied. “And to be honest, I wasn’t even certain you realized I was a woman!”

“What a dick,” I said as I rolled my eyes.

“Yes, you were, a complete one at that,” Kendall added as her bathrobe slipped and bared her slender, creamy leg.

“How was it possible for me, to work so close to you, and be so distant? Fuck, was I really that disengaged?” I asked as eye cast my eye toward Kendall’s bare leg.

“Yes, you were very disengaged, not just with me, with everything and with everyone, it was like you had tunnel vision, and anything outside of that bore no consequence or consideration,” she explained.

Kendall lifted her leg, the bathrobe slid further and revealed more of her body, had she done it on purpose?

“Well, I’m glad of my accident in a way,” I said.


“At least now I had a chance to see you for who you are, a warm, caring person, who just happens to look devilishly hot in a bathrobe!” I said smiling.

“Ah, now you finally notice I’m a real woman? Not a dick anymore?”

I looked on as Kendall’s robe fell to the side, her long legs laid on the couch, and her long hair laid over her breasts. I placed my mug on the table and slid beside her on the couch. I lifted my hand and caressed her cheek as I leaned forward and placed my lips on hers. She was more than enough.


Chapter Twenty-Four
