“Nah, I have heard the boss is a douche bag.” Kendall finished washing the dishes and turned me on with her cheekiness. “Are you ready?”

“Uh uh, I think the 911 should work today. Sporty but practical and not too flashy.” I grabbed my keys, and we headed toward the garage.

I pushed the remote on the garage door and started the engine on the 911, the exhaust roared and echoed around the garage. I looked at Kendall and could see her smile as she felt the car’s power beneath her.

When we arrived at the fair, the road was like it had been no match for the Porsche’s superb grip, and whatever was thrown at it, the car handled with ease. We queued at the gate with the rest of the happy faces in the crowd, we looked like a normal couple, but the circumstances were different.

“So, what do you want to go on first? Big ride, or little ride?”

“No rush, we have all day, you have got to win me something first, that is what all the real dates do!” Kendall says as she dragged me to the small stalls.

“Here is one for me, the shooting gallery, maybe I can win you a teddy?” I said, smiling. “You point to the target, and I’ll shoot it.”

I was happy. I felt like I was on a real date, a meaningful date and one with a person who appreciated me in the same way as I appreciated her. She was sexy and sweet.

We visited all the smaller stalls and Kendall became the proud owner of several stuffed toys in the process, she looked like a big kid walking around with an armful of teddy bears. And it made me feel special that I could make her feel so happy from something so damned simple.

“Come on, roller coaster time,” I said to Kendall.

“I’m scared they are so big,” she replied with a scared face she put on.

“You will be fine. I’ll take care of you, promise,” I said.

We climbed into the car, and Kendall held tightly onto my arm. I could feel her body tremble as we climbed, and climbed. The car crept over the top of the track and “whoosh,” we headed down. I could hear everyone screaming and saw them waving their arms in the air. Kendall gripped my arm tightly and had her eyes closed.

“Fuck!! that was scary,” Kendall said as we exited the car.

“That wasn’t anything. That was a small one,” I replied laughing.

“Another ride?” I asked really excited to spend the time with her.

“Is there anything less fast? Geez, I know you only want me to hold your arm, but…” she said with a wink.

“I might like you holding my arm. Mhm, the tighter, the better! Ferris Wheel?” I asked as I pointed at the huge wheel which stood before us. “It’s not fast.”

“It might not be fast, but fuck me, it’s high,” Kendall said as she craned her neck looking upward. She sounded hilarious when she swore.

“Come on, don’t be a pussy, we can cuddle up on here,” I said as I pulled her to the entrance.

We climbed into the Ferris Wheel carriage and snuggled up tight. I placed my arm around Kendall’s shoulders. I pulled here closer toward me, and I could feel her rest her head on my chest. The wheel started to turn, and we made the slow ascent toward the top, the carriage rocked back and forth as we stopped for other people to climb on below us.

“Shit. This is so high,” Kendall said a

s we looked out over the horizon.

“It’s exciting, and even more exciting to sit so close to you,” I said.

“Aww, you think so?” Kendall placed her hand on my leg.

“Yes, especially if you keep putting your hand on my leg,” I replied with a devilish grin.

“Does it scare you? Me having my hand on your leg,” Kendall added as she rubbed my thigh.

“Not at all, but it may just get you into trouble,” I replied, smirking.

“Then I’ll remove it!” Kendall removed her hand and laughed playfully.

“I said it would get you in trouble. I didn’t say I didn’t like it,” I gave her a look that told her to get her hand back on me – now.