I waited for Elijah to leave and called Jefferson over to my desk. I explained that Elijah and I were going to be out of the office, tomorrow and that Peter would be in charge for the day.

“Oh great, Peter is in charge, yippee!” Jefferson quipped.

“Get excited, why don’t you!” I laughed at his excitement.

I explained to Jefferson that I had to distract Elijah for the day, and the reason for doing so as well. He understood easily, and I felt great that I could confide in him,

“I know just the place you can take him, Dear. Somewhere he will have no chance to think,” Jefferson explained with a wink.

Chapter Twenty-Three


I had slept like a log and had no signs of any flashbacks. I still wanted to speak to Peter about it, but this morning I wasn’t as disturbed as yesterday. I showered and headed downstairs for my morning coffee. I had just taken my first sip when there was a knock at the door, this was strange. I thought for a moment. Only Peter had access to the house, and the security gate at the bottom of the drive was always closed. Who could be knocking at my door? I wondered.

I opened the front door, and Kendall stood there holding two large carrier bags.

“Good morning,” I said with a puzzled expression on my face. “Have I missed something here?”

“Surprise! I’m going to make you breakfast,” Kendall replied.

“I, um… What’s going on? Is Peter playing tricks on me? It’s Tuesday, isn’t it?” I asked.

“Yes, it’s Tuesday, and no Peter is not playing tricks, he’s running the office today,” I said as I walked through the door and headed toward the kitchen.

“I’m confused, what’s all this about?” I asked, glad to see her.

“It’s nothing to concern yourself about. Today is about you and you’re having a day off from the office. I’m going to show you some fun,” I said with a grin. “So, are you hungry?” I started to empty the groceries out from the bags.

“I’m starving, I’ve slept for God only knows how long, I could eat a horse,” I added as Kendall messed around in the kitchen. What have you got planned, Kendall?”

She smiled a perfect smile. “Well, I thought pancakes followed by bacon and eggs with toast. That is, if you’re up for it.”

“No, silly, I meant what have you planned for the day,” I replied as I rolled my eyes to tease her.

“Well, I was given some good advice, and the place we are going is the fair… ta da!” Kendall threw her arms in the air like a magician who had just finished a cool trick.

“Cool, what are they like? I can’t remember.”

“You know, scary rides where you have to hold my arm and keep me safe and all that!” Kendall tossed the first set of the pancakes.

I sat and thought about the day ahead. I was happy about the time I was going to spend with Kendall. I looked on as she increased the stack of pancakes. I was super hungry, and this was just for starters. I had bacon egg and toast to get through after all of this.

I set the table and poured some juice. We sat and talked about Peter being in the office and in charge.

“Do you think he can cope?” I asked Kendall.

“Yep, sure. He has a good understanding of things. It’s not at all alien to him. He’s smart and has Jefferson to help him,” she replied.

“I suppose you are right, again. Speaking of Jefferson, do you think him and Peter are, you know?” I asked.

“I don’t know. They do seem to get on well. You never know. They’re both grown men, Elijah,” Kendall replied with a cute wink.

“Well, we can save that information for another time. We should eat!”

I sat there and thought of everything that had happened so far. It had been a ride and a half. One that left me confused and disturbed and angry at times but, I had Kendall who had become so supportive of me, I don’t know what I would have done without her.

“I’m stuffed, you are a mighty fine cook, do you want a job?” I said with a laugh.