“No, it wasn’t anything like that. He didn’t mention the location and that you were being badly beaten by your dad,” I explained quietly.

“Ah,” said Peter sounding like he understood.

“So, you know what it was about then?” I asked.

I quickly thought about what Peter said so far. I could sense that he knew what the flashback meant, and what caused the scene that Elijah had seen.

“I have a good idea what it’s about. It’s something I’ll talk to him about when I get back into town. He just needs to relax and try to get over the emotions accompanying the feels. It’s all in the past now. Nothing to worry about,” Peter explained without seeming worried at all, “I had hoped he wouldn’t remember any of this, or at least not yet. His mind is still so fragile. Any information overload could do something drastic, or that was what the doctors explained to me.”

“Are there many bad situations that might affect Elijah while he’s in this state? Or if he keeps having these flashbacks?” I asked Peter.

“Unfortunately, there are, and if this one is the one I’m thinking of, on a scale of one to ten of how bad his flashbacks could be, well, I would rate this one a seven.”

“Holy crap, so he can really get in a bad way at some point if these come flooding back to him?” I asked as I started to worry.

“He could. I’m just worried he could have one while he’s driving, there is no saying what might happen if he had one in his car, or even on his bike… it could be catastrophic,” he said plainly.

“Damn, I never thought of that, I just always assumed he would be asleep when he had them, the possibility of them coming at any time is dreadful,” I replied.

"Like I said, I’ll speak to him when the time is right, and I won’t force the issue, maybe he will sort of forget it again, or he might accept what he has seen. Hopefully, that happens so it can become an old memory like it should be,” Peter explained, his voice soft and kind.

“A good point, I won’t mention anything to him even though I know, if he wants to talk about it, I’ll just go with the flow. But I won’t instigate any conversation,” I replied.

“You’re a good help, Kendall. I’m sure he wouldn’t know what to do if you were not there for him, you have even supported him more than I have, so thank you.”

“Is there anything else I can do while he’s like this?”

“I suggest you keep him occupied as much as you can, the more his mind is taken away from things like this, the better.” He was being so lovely and cared for his brother so much.

“It’s obvious that he relaxes around you, which is great. The more he can see you, the more he will have less time to think about his flashbacks. And like I said, hopefully, they can gracefully become just lingering memories again,” he said.

“Alright Peter, I’ll do my best and see what I can come up with. Do you want me to inform any of the staff you will be in the office tomorrow, or just keep it quiet?” I asked.

“Good point, just have a quiet word with Jefferson, he’s the one I trust the most. So. just let him know I’ll be in touch with him in the morning,” Peter explained.

“Not a problem at all, I’ll do it just before we finish for the evening so he can’t spread the news, you know what a gossip queen he’s, sometimes,” I said with a laugh.

“Don’t I just, Kendall, don’t I just,” he said with a chuckle, seeming calmer than when we first spoke.

“I better go, I think I can hear Elijah in his office, I don’t want to lie if he asks who has been on the phone,” I explain.

“Good girl Kendall, see you soon!” Peter hung up the call.

I opened the office door and peeked in toward Elijah. I could see he had finally fallen asleep. He looked so fine laying on his couch but, he was so troubled in a way that no one could have predicted. I quietly closed the door behind me and smiled as I let him sleep.

I sat at my desk and tried to think of what could take his mind of the recent flashbacks that he h

ad been having. It had to be something totally different than the dog park because that was too quiet and he had a chance to think there. What I needed was something noisy, somewhere full of distractions so he would have no chance to think.

I looked at the clock and noticed it was almost four, Elijah had slept for most of the day. I was about to check on him when he emerged from his office.

“I have slept!” he said.

“Nearly six hours,” I replied with a smile.

“Well there is nothing I can do now, I’m going to head off home and try to continue resting, I feel shattered,” he said as he rubbed his head.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” I replied trying to make him feel comforted.