“Hello?!” Kendall shouted at me.


“I have been calling you, and you have been in a world of your own,” Kendall pressed.

“Sorry, I was miles away, I was thinking about my mom,” I explained.

“Well, if it concerns you that much, maybe you want me to come with you tomorrow?” Kendall asked compassionately.

“I would love you to come, but it may be an awkward situation, I should go alone, at least until I find out what has caused this animosity between us,” I explained with a furrowed expression.

“Okay, no problem, but I’m always there is you need me, don’t forget that,” Kendall replied. She looked amazing as she walked in the sunshine.

“I appreciate that very much, thank you. Do you want a hot dog?” I asked with a big grin on my face.

“I shouldn’t, I have to watch my figure, but we are exercising, so alright, you’ve swayed me,” Kendall replied.

“Two dogs. And by the way Kendall, your figure looks fine to me,” I replied with a wink.

“Don’t be silly, one is for Bo, and he doesn’t like mustard or onions,” she said as she skipped toward the hotdog stall.

“Come on Bo, let's race mommy,” I said as I ran past Kendall with Bo taking up my rear.

I ordered three hot dogs so Kendall could eat. And we sat on the bench and munched away at our jumbo dogs. Bo was first to finish as we expected. We chatted some more about my relationship with my mom and what could have caused it, but we both had no idea what the reason could be.

“Well, after all that excitement, we should be leaving, it looks like it might rain in a while,” I said.

“Yes, Bo looks knackered, he doesn’t get this much exercise normally, he just potters around or sleeps usually.

We arrived back at Kendall’s house, and I explained I would be out of the office all day visiting my mom, and if Kendall wanted anything, just to call and I would be available. Kendall, unfastened her seat belt as if to get out of the car, but leaned in my direction. She leaned close and kissed my cheek and smiled.

“Thanks for today, it was really nice,” she said as she clambered out of the car with Bo.

They walked up the drive and then headed home. I had a full day and was starting to feel my head becoming heavy. I returned home and decided to have an early night.

Later in the evening I opened my eyes and looked at the clock, it was 1:15 a.m. I was covered in swea

t and had just awoken from another bad flashback. But this time it was a vision of Dad beating Peter when we were younger, there was no sound so I couldn’t understand it fully.

This image had panicked me and was quite graphic compared to the others I usually endured. I laid in bed and wondered what it all meant. Why was I was only having bad flashbacks? I looked again at the clock… it was 1:29, and I knew now, I wasn’t getting back to sleep anytime soon.

Chapter Twenty-Two


I arrived at the office early as Elijah wasn’t going to be in. I set my things down as the remaining staff entered the office. I noticed the looks on their faces and noticed they all seemed more jovial and happy than they used to be before Elijah had his accident.

“Hey girl!” Jefferson shouted as he exited the elevator. “What’s new with you? And how was your weekend?” he asked.

“It was good. I had a nice day out yesterday with Bo. It was nice to change things up a bit,” I replied.

“So, what did you guys do?”

“I had a date yesterday, it was cool, a drive into the country and a little lunch before returning back home, and you know how the rest goes,” he said with a smile and a wink.

“You dirty dog you!” I replied laughing, “Can I ask you something?” I noticed Jefferson’s positive attitude.

“Sure, fire away,” he replied.