“I must say you look nice,” I commented.

“Bah, what a load of bull, I’m in jeans and a sweatshirt, I’m totally scruffy,” she said with a giggle.

“Nah, it’s your complexion, and your hair, it’s nice tied up, it makes you look different,” I said as I nodded in appreciation.

“It might be because I’m happy?”

“Ah, so our date makes you happy?” I asked patting Bo.

“Don’t be stupid, I’m always happy when I take Bo to the dog park,” she said with a huge grin.

“Now who is mocking?”

We walked toward the car with Bo. I opened the door, and he excitedly leaped from the sidewalk straight onto the rear seat and sat there as he panted, he looked like a king who was waiting for his chariot to take him somewhere.

I opened the door for Kendall, and she slipped into the passenger seat. “Peter came to the house this morning,” I said as I started to head toward the highway.

“What did he visit for on a Sunday?” Kendall asked.

“That is exactly what I asked him, he started to just say he was checking in on me, but that was just a little white lie.”

“What was it? Nothing bad or anything like that, right?” Kendall asked as she watched the all the other cars fly past us.

“He brought up my mom. He’s going to see her tomorrow and asked if I wanted to go?”

“So why was that worth a visit to your house on a Sunday?” she asked in curiosity.

I was just about to answer when we arrived at the dog park, I looked for a car space, and pulled the car to a halt. I opened the car door, and Bo leaped from the car and immediately started sniffing all the wheels on the other cars, he came running when Kendall called him.

“Come here Bo, come to mommy,” she said as she patted her legs.

Bo obediently came to Kendall and sat as she fastened his leash to his collar. We walked toward the park entrance and could see a lot of people walking their dogs already. Bo got a little excited at the sight of all the other dogs that were running around.

“So, you were telling me…” Kendall said as she got dragged by Bo.

“Telling you what?” I asked as I laughed at her. She struggled to hold him.

“Want me to hold him?” I asked.

“If you could, he’s too strong for me now,” Kendall replied.

I took the leash from Kendall, and our hands touched. I could feel the warmth in her fingers, I lifted my head and gazed into her eyes and smiled.

“Ah, yes I was telling you about my conversation with Peter this morning,” I said.

“Yes, and you cut it short. I thought you wanted to ignore it.” Her breath was quick from Bo.

“Of course not, there is nothing for me to cut short, well not that I know of.” Bo dragged me along as we walked together.

“Well, Peter told me I haven’t seen my mother for quite a few years that there is a lot of bitterness between us, mostly from my side,” I explained.

“Why is that then?” Kendall asked as she watched Bo pull me.

“I have no idea, Peter said that only me and mom know the reasons, even Peter has no clue what went on between us,” I explained. “He did say that it started when I was a kid, so that is nearly 20 years we’ve had the feud between us.”

“God, that is such a long time, it was probably like growing up with no mother if you had that much resentment for her,” Kendall said with a concerned look on her face.

We continued to walk in silence for a while. and I thought about the situation with my mom, Peter told me that the company and everything were left to me. Now maybe that was the reason I spent so much time with dad when I was younger. Perhaps Dad had looked at Peter as siding with mom, and like I was supporting him… or maybe I was totally off the mark on that score.