“I wasn’t sure you were into dogs,” Peter said quizzically. “You always said pets were lame.”

“Nah, dogs are cool and so clever,” I said.

“So why did you really come up here today? I’m sure it’s not to check on me.”

“Damn, you caught me out… I came to ask you something,” Peter said.

“What is it?” I asked plainly in curiosity.

“I’m off to see mom, and I was wondering if you fancied coming with me,” Peter sat on the couch.

“When are you thinking of going? You know I can’t go today. I’m with Kendall,” I replied feeling a bit uneasy about the situation.

“Nah, I was gonna go tomorrow, but, there is one thing you should know before we go,” Peter said.

“What’s that?” I asked looking puzzled. “Is there something wrong with her something?”

“No, nothing like that. It’s just the two of you have had a rather strained relationship over the years,” he replied.

“Well, that shouldn’t be a problem now. I won’t even recognize her, so I’ll have nothing to hold against her,” I said as I felt his awkwardness hit me like a brick.

“I know all that. It’s just how she feels about you that might be awkward. That’s what I have concerns over,” Peter said.

“So, what has caused all this friction between me and mom anyway?” I asked hoping he would soon enlighten me on the subject. “And how long is it since I saw her?”

“A long time, a very long time. Put it this way. I haven’t heard you mention her out of choice. It has only been in conversation you have talked about her. It’s like she doesn’t even exist,” Peter


“Hell, that is drastic. I wonder if she will tell me the reasons for what has caused it?”

“I doubt it. It breaks her heart when she even thinks about it. What mom wants her son to disown her? And for something that happened between them many years ago,” Peter added.

“Well, I’ll have to see how it goes, maybe she will tell me, and at the end of the day it could be something stupid,” I feel slightly concerned.

“Maybe you’re right,” Peter said.

Peter explained more about my relationship with my mother and I continued to wonder what could have caused it off the top of my head. There wasn’t anything bad enough that would last nearly a lifetime to cause that much bitterness between two people, especially family.

“Well, we better get going, I have to meet Kendall soon, I don’t want to be late for my date,” I said with a huge grin that changed my mood easily.

“Come on then Mr. Lova, Lova. Let’s get you out of here!” Peter said with a laugh as he walked to his car.

“Very funny. I’ll get my own back one day Mr. Secretive,” I replied, as I closed the garage doors and climbed into the Porsche Cayenne.

“Big car today, I see,” Peter said as he slid into his side.

“It’s a big fucking dog, you should see it!”

“Catch ya later, alligator,” Peter shouted as he waved from the window of his car.

“After a while, crocodile,” I shouted back at him.

I arrived at Kendall’s house and knocked on the door.

“You both ready then?” I asked as I noticed her beauty. A red sweater and denim jeans was magic on her.

“Yeah, been ready for a while,” Kendall replied as I noticed her perfect eyes.