“I’m glad and happy they enjoyed it, we’ll just have to see how it differs in work time and that it’s just not a one-off episode,” I said.

“Just be yourself, like you were tonight, you were warm and caring and most of all polite. And that was one thing they hated was the rudeness from you,” she was so beautiful as she spoke.

“I just have to be careful because work is a different beast altogether, I still have to be the boss as well as approachable,” I replied.

She shrugged and winked.

“I’ll be soft and weak,” I said laughing. “Talking of soft and weak, did you spot Peter and Jefferson leave?" I asked.

“I saw them talking closely, but never saw them leave, did they leave together?” she quizzed.

“I’m not sure, but they seemed close, they were there one minute and gone the next,” I said.

“Thank for the dance ...” Kendall started to say.

“I enjoyed it also," I replied cutting her off mid-sentence.

“With Hayley, I was going to say?” she replied with a laugh.

“Oh, I gave the game away there, didn’t I? Now you know, the cat is out of the bag." I wanted to be with her.

"You’re funny, Elijah."

“Did I mention the flashes I have been having more of? Most of them have been about my father, and what we did when I was a kid. Most of them concern the office. Yeah, it must have been a place I came to a lot of the time,” I said.

“Maybe it’s a sign your memory is returning. It can only be a good thing that you are remembering?”

“I hope so, but I don’t want to slip back into the person I was before, that would be devastating,” I replied.

“Yes, but this time you have me with you whereas before you were alone,” Kendall said as she stretched out her arm toward the broom.

Without noticing, I also grabbed for the broom, my hand hit the top of hers, and without pulling away, we looked into each other’s eyes; we held our firm gaze. I released my hand and ran it up against Kendall’s arm. I pulled her close to me, I could feel her body pushing against mine. It was better than perfect. Her breasts pushed into my chest as I leaned forward and kissed her in passion.

Chapter Twenty


We had found ourselves the last ones in the office, and there was a deathly silence about the place.

Elijah looked deep into my eyes, and I could see what he had on his mind. I had already thought of it, and it was the only thing I could think about. So, the level of my passion had increased along with my confidence. I had been somewhat naïve, yet with Elijah, I found I opened up and washed away any sign of being that way anymore.

“So, what do you have in mind?” I said to Elijah suggestively.

“There is only you, and I left in the office. You want to head off home or hang here for a while?” he asked cheekily.

“Home sounds nice, but I’m all up for hanging here for a bit, it’s kinda different when no one is around,” I replied as I licked my lips.

“Shall we stay in my office or take a quick tour around the office?”

“A quick walk round might be nice,” I replied playfully.

We looked around the office for a place where we could have hot sex that would be different without us saying it. I knew it, and Elijah knew it.

We found ourselves together in the cargo bay, the cool air flooded all around us, the forklifts were silent and there was just the hum of the battery charger to be heard.

I walked in front of Elijah and leaned on a parcel cart, and raised my leg behind me.

“How do I look?” I asked in a sexy tone.