It wasn’t long before the room was heaving, the DJ took the music up a level, and many hit the dance floor, from classic hits like the Bee Gees to the current more popular trends in music. There was enough to please everyone.

After a while, Peter arrived and made his way over to me.

“Glad you could make it,” I shouted over the music.

“I wouldn’t have missed it for the world, my little brother coming out from his defensive shell,” he said with a grin plastered on his cheeky face.

“Have you not come with a date?” I asked.

“Nah, it’s okay. There are a few here I can chat quite comfortably with,” he seemed eager to mingle.

“Well I’m going to see what's happening,” I said to Peter as I grabbed a drink and headed off into the crowd.

I started talking to a few of the employees, at the start I thought it might just be the drink that made them open up to me, but I realized they could see me in a different light and that I wasn’t the same person I was before. Many also said they loved the idea of the bowling league and that an intercompany tournament was an excellent idea.

I noticed Kendall as I roamed around the floor, she just oozed sex appeal, but in a good way, she didn’t appear to use it to her advantage. She was polite and could hold a good conversation with anyone who she spoke to. It was like wherever she was in th

e room, the spotlight was on her, or was it just my focus. She was such a beautiful woman.

“Who are you looking at?" Jefferson asked.

“No one, I was just watching everyone enjoying themselves,” I replied in a white lie.

“I don’t think you’re being truthful with me," he said as he finished his drink.

I turned my gaze back to Kendall, she was gorgeous, and I couldn’t stop thinking about her. I looked back at the bar, Jefferson was talking to Peter. And he seemed to be leaning a little closer than I thought natural for a "not so close" acquaintance. Was this what seemed strange about Peter that I couldn’t put my finger on. I had an inkling that Jefferson was homosexual, but Peter?

The party had so far gone well, the food had been excellent, and the music had been great. Then the DJ announced we would be finishing soon, with just one more time to grab your loved ones and hit the dance floor for some loving soul music.

I just had to do it. I approached Kendall who was by the bar, she was busy smiling and watching the other couples standing to dance.

“Can I take this dance Ma’am?” I asked Kendall as I offered her my hand.

“You can good Sir,” she said with a curtsy and a smile.

I took her hand, and led her toward the dance floor, she placed her hands on my shoulders, and I placed mine on her hips, I held her close but not too close. I didn’t want the staff to think she was getting extra special treatment.

I could smell her perfume, and held my head close to her neck. She had a graceful rhythm, and her body felt good in my hands. We danced oblivious to everyone who was watching, and maybe it was this one little thing that changed their minds about me.

I noticed Hayley at the bar, she was alone, and the song was close to finishing, the DJ announced one more song, and that would be it. I bowed out from Kendall’s clutches, and grabbed Hayley, she wasn’t going to be left out of having the last dance, and what a last dance it would be.

I held Hayley and could immediately feel there was a difference with Kendall. It was purely just a dance with a friend maybe, but Kendall felt different. As we danced, I noticed a few people had left. With Peter and Jefferson being two of the first to go, but, I didn’t notice if they left together.

The DJ finally called it a night. Kendall and I stood by the door to see everyone off, and we thanked them for coming.

The last person left, and the DJ had long gone; Kendall and I just looked at the mess.

“You tired?” she said.

“Not at all, wide awake,” I replied.

“Come on. Roll your sleeves up, and we can do a bit of cleaning,” she said as she gave a wink.

I started to go around the tables collecting glasses, while Kendall grabbed all the plates.

“How do you think it went?" I asked.

“It went great. There were a few who said they had misunderstood you and would look at you much differently now." Kendall beamed a perfect smile.