“How are you doing sweetie?” she asked.

“Not bad, just got home from Mandy’s and she said 'hi.'”

“So, to what do I owe this pleasure of a phone call during the week?” Mom asked me in her over-excited tone.

“I just fancied a chat, no real reason, and just to let you know how the week has been." I pulled the cushion closer to me.

“I’m actually glad you called, I was going to call you. I have a friend who can get you a job, a very good job with a nice company,” she said. “That is if you are still looking for another job.”

I was silent for a moment before I answered, I knew she would guess I had changed my mind, she could read me better than Mandy could read me even when she was on the phone.

“Well, that was what I was going to mention, things are completely different now, this kind man has emerged, and he’s still in a frail state of mind, and I’m the only person he can relate to apart from Peter. But he does not know the business well enough to assist that much,” I explained.

“Well dear, I have said before you have to make your own choices and stand by your decisions, if that is the way you want to go, I know there is no way I’ll be able to change your mind. You have a touch of your father’s stubbornness, and we know how I wasn’t able to win against him,” she replied.

“So, this job, should you decide you still want it, is with Jessica. I’m not sure if you know her, she owns a large corporate lawyer's place downtown. And they are looking for a personal assistant,” she said.

Mom had this habit of still trying to convince me of something, even when she had said she accepted my decision to go in another direction. I never had the heart to tell her, so I always let her continue.

“So, tell me more about this job,” I asked just to humor her.

“Well, Jessica is a big powerful woman and always takes on associates from college, and they basically do on the job training and normally get hired to join the company once they have finished their term,” she explained.

“So where do you know this Jessica from?” I asked with a curious tone in my voice.

"From downtown."

“I haven’t been to law school, Mom."

“That’s fine. She’s looking for a personal assistant for some guy who works there, he’s a little fruity but a decent guy. I mentioned you, and she said to send your resume if you were interested,” she replied.

“It sounds good, but as I said, for the time being, I’m going to remain with Elijah, I think if I left him now he would just fall apart and I couldn’t do that,” I said.

“She did say she could hold the position for a month or so, as another PA who works for the smooth guy is helping him. She said it was complicated and it sounded a bit too much like a TV show the way she described it, so if you change your mind just give me a shout and I’ll get in touch with her,” Mom explained at length, as always.

I pulled the cushion toward me and in my mind, it was Elijah I was holding, he had shown a deeply compassionate side to himself, and it was one I found myself not wanting to leave.

“I’ll keep my options open. Like I said to Mandy earlier. I have some knowledge of what Elijah was like before so if there are any signs I’ll see them as they start to appear,” I explained.

“Well I have no more to report," Mom said. "I just hope you are doing the right thing... just don’t leave any decisions you make too late or else you will have no options and at the moment, you have one very good option.”

“Okay, Mom. I get your point. You’ll be the first to know, whatever happens,” I said as loud as possible. “I gotta go. Bo is in the garden, and I need to feed him.”

“Okay, dear. Speak to you soon."

Chapter Nineteen


Kendall had informed me she wasn’t able to book the bowling as we had anticipated, so we went back to the initial plan of a party, yet she had a surprise for me. I liked surprises. It wasn’t often I received one, or at least as far as I could remember.

I arrived back at the office and could see Kendall was busy attending to the catering company, I walked up behind her quietly and placed my hands on her shoulders.

“How’s it going?” I whispered into her ear.

“Okay so far, everyone has turned up, and most of the preparations are ready, just the food to finalize and the bar, then we are set.

“So, you going to show me my surprise?” I asked Kendall as I grinned.