“From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank you for doing this, it means a lot, I need to regain the confidence of the staff, and this could be a great start,” Elijah said now more serious again.

“I was pleased to help, even before we started communicating, as you so kindly put it. I would have helped. It was fun to do.” I was happy to help my beautiful boss.

I sat and thought to myself. It’s still strange to hear him say thank you. It was the last thing that would have ever left his mouth before. I wasn’t one to complain though. It was nice to hear, even though it confused me somewhat.

“Well now that it’s sorted, what do you have planned for this evening? “Elijah asked.

“I have a fun filled evening planned, I’m off to visit my best friend Mandy for a while and then I have to get home, and I promised I would call Mom and keep her abreast of the news,” I replied.

“Off you go. It’s quiet here, and we have wrapped up the most important things for today,” Elijah said.

“Okay boss, I’ll see you tomorrow, get some good rest, you have worked hard yourself."

“Goodnight and thanks again,” Elijah said as I exited the office. He wanted me. I could feel it all over me.


I arrived at Mandy's house and was welcomed with open arms as always. She hugged me and ushered me inside and urged me to give her all the latest gossip from the world of Kendall, straight from the horse’s mouth as she always said jokingly.

“So, what’s new with you then girl?” she said as she fixed us a pitcher of her homemade lemonade.

“Well, Elijah is a totally different person, we have got on like a house on fire this week,” I explained as I sipped my glass of cool lemonade.

“I’m still not convinced, no matter how much you say he has changed, I still have doubts about him being totally genuine.” She looked at me with a raised brow.

“I know, it’s hard for you to fathom, but I have been with him quite a lot, and there is no sign it’s fake or false. He really does seem like a changed man,” I answered.

“Well, you should just be careful and keep an eye on him, you never know if he will start remembering, and he may just play on the fact and go for sympathy,” she said with a disgruntled look on her face.

“I have my wits about me. You have no need to worry about that. Plus, I have the advantage of knowing the signs of what he was like before. He has no idea, so if he slips, I should spot it immediately,” I said as I topped up my glass. The heat was stifling today.

“So, how has he been with the staff, are they convinced he’s different?” she asked.

“Some are, yet a few still have doubts, they think he will burst into one of his tantrums, and it leaves them feeling confused when it doesn’t happen,” I replied.

“I have been organizing a party for them for most of the week, he wants to show them he’s a changed man and not the tyrant he once was,” I said as she did the dishes.

“Fuck, it would take more than a party to convince me to forgive and forget,” Mandy replied.

“Elijah isn’t asking for forgiveness and for them to forget, he just wants them to accept who he’s now, and build on that. The past has gone for the time being, and he wants no part of it coming back into his life, either,” I explained.

“Well, either way, just look out for number one, I don’t care for him, I just care what happens to my bestest friend ever,” Mandy said as she placed her glass on the table.

“Give me a big hug before you go,” Mandy said as she threw her arms around me. “And say hi to your mom, I know you will be calling her.”

“Goddammit, am I that transparent?”

“Hell yes!” We stood up

, and I headed toward the door.

I returned home to Bo who had perched himself just inside the front door. He sat there as he wagged his tail and barked as he wanted to go out.

“Hey boy, how have you been?” I asked him.

He jumped to his feet and headed for the kitchen door and sat as he waited for me to reach him. I opened the door and let him into the garden for a run. I returned to the living room and perched myself on the couch. My legs curled up under me, and a large cushion wedged firmly under my arm.

“Hi Mom, it’s me Kendall, and yes I’m calling so no need to say it makes a change,” I said with a giggle.