“The third one is a camping trip or something like that, but some have families and may be difficult, Hayley, for example, has a kid,” she replied.

“I think the bowling one would be the best idea, totally informal and everyone has a chance to bond, do you have an idea what we need to do to set it up?”

“It’s okay, I’ll sort it all out, I’ll check on a good night, and what we need to do to create a company league, etc., etc., etc.,” she said as she scribbled on her pad.

“And a trophy. We would need a trophy for the winning teams, and a prize, not cash because that looks like I’m trying to buy them off or something. But something useful though, maybe a gift card to a restaurant. That’s as good as cash,” I said.

“I’ll ask around and see what everyone thinks is a good prize,” Kendall answered.

“Thanks. Can you turn the light off for a while? I’m going to rest,” I said as I covered my eyes.

Kendall turned off the light, and I laid in the darkness. My head was heavy and flashes shot from nowhere. Images of my dad in his office. He was screaming on the phone and cursing a lot. I was sitting on the couch watching him lose his shit.

Other images, images of me flashed before me. I saw myself with Kendall and a conversation about her dog. I could see I was a fucking asshole, and her dog had since died. Images of Peter came, where we were arguing, I was calling him something, but I couldn't quite grasp it all.

I had the feeling, I was remembering, and these were not just images that came and went, lights flashed behind my eyes, and I started to sweat.

“Kendall!” I screamed out.

Kendall entered the office and hurried to me, she turned on the light and came and sat next to me on the couch.

“What is it, Elijah?” she asked.

“I’ve remembered a few things. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. Forgive me. Please forgive me, Kendall,” I begged.

She held my head in her lap and comforted me.

Chapter Eighteen


I entered the office and waited for Elijah to ask me to take a seat, he previously said I could just walk in and sit down, yet we were still in a work environment, and I had to show respect for his and my positions within the company. I also had to consider the way the other staff could think about our situation and read too much into it, and take it the wrong way.

The last thing I wanted was for them to think I had taken advantage of the situation. It was bad enough for myself to think that on occasions.

“I can’t believe we have been communicating for nearly a week,” Elijah said as he gestured for me to sit.

“Communicating is that how you see it,” I said with a frowned expression on my face.

“I’m just being professional, I don’t want the staff to get the wrong idea,” he said with a laugh.

“Have you been reading my mind?” I replied with a puzzled look on my face.

“Kendall, I have just observed how concerned you are about what others think of you here, hell, you won’t even take a seat without being told to. And no matter how many times I say it’s okay, you still concede,” he replied now more sternly.

“So, now the good Sir is mocking me,” I said with a giggle.

“I would never mock you, Kendall. I have just enjoyed this week immensely. I might even be tempted to carve your name on the bottom of my pencil case,” he said and laughed.

“Wow, the good Sir... wealthy he’s, he can afford a pencil case made from real wood,” I replied as I laughed hard, with tears formed in my eyes.

“So, getting back to work wench, what news doth thee bring for me,” he replied in a very bad Shakespearean tone.

“Being serious, the party is all organized, and everyone will be here to set up during the day, we have no need for the conference hall, and they can use the rear entrance, so as not to give anything away, to you or to the staff,” I explained.

“A surprise eh? Hmm, the girl is very smart,” he replied as he winked.

“Not just that, all of the staff are coming, not one has said no, so it’s good we chose the conference hall to host it and not the board room,” I replied.