“No, it’s okay. I’ll call him later. For the life of me, I don’t know what I wanted him for,” I replied. “It’s probably nothing now anyway."

Kendall squeezed my hand. "I better get going and come up with these ideas for the staff,” Kendall said as she got up and left my office.

I picked up my cell and called the guy.

“Hello, Mr. Roddenberry’s office. How may I help you?” the voice asked in an overly happy tone.

“Hi, is Joe available please?" I asked.

“Who’s calling please?” the woman answered.

“Just tell him it’s Elijah. I believe he wishes to speak to me,” I said, wanting to know why.

Joe’s voice filled up the line. “Elijah, how are you feeling? It’s good to hear from you, man.”

“I’ve just been informed you were trying to contact me. You have to forgive me. My memory is a bit blank. I have no idea what I wanted you for,” I said in the hopes of finding out.

“I understand, but we should meet, the phone is not the best place to discuss the matter,” he replied.

“Matter? What matter?” I asked.

“I’ll give details later, but it was about both Peter and your Dad,” he added.

I was perplexed. “Okay, I’ll give you a call later when we can meet, I have a few things to fix at work first."

“Ok, Elijah, be careful,” he added as he hung up the call.

I was intrigued by his words before my mind moved back to work.

“Kendall, you have any ideas yet?” I called.

“Yes, I’ll be with you in a moment,” she called back. “You want a drink?”

“Do you have juice? I am a bit thirsty.”

I waited for Kendall to enter the office, as my head started to swim. I started to feel faint.

“Here you go,” she said as she passed me the juice. “Hey. Are you okay? You look a bit pale.”

“To be honest, I feel a bit woozy,” I replied.

“Come and sit on the couch and put your feet up for a while,” she said

“Maybe you have done too much today."

Kendall steadied me as I stood. My legs were weak as I made my way to the couch.

“I don’t think it’s work. I think it’s something else,” I said to her feeling slightly worried.

“We can do these ideas later. You should rest,” she said as she got me a damp cloth.

“It’s okay. This is important for the business. Fill me in on where you are,” I pressed on.

“First, a simple party, an appreciation party. Who doesn’t like a good party?” She smiled. “Secondly, a bowling night with a meal could be good. That would help build t


“I like that one. We could even turn it into a regular thing, intercompany teams and all that,” I replied.