I told Elijah I had to get back home to check on Bo because he had been alone all day.

“I’ll drive you,” Elijah replied.

“It’s okay, I’ll grab a cab, you have been drinking,” I answered plainly.

“Alright, but I want you to know I had a great time,” he said.

“Me too,” I agreed.

I had a feeling of remorse for leaving him alone, but what would happen to me if he went back to his old ways? I mean, where would that leave me? I had to try and be realistic.


; It would be the hardest thing I would ever do.

Chapter Seventeen


I woke up early and hit the gym. I set the running machine for a simple five-mile run. I found myself pounding the mat and all the while hoping I had not ruined anything last night with Kendall.

Things got a little heated and could quite easily have been taken out of context. I just didn’t want her to think I was the person I was before because now I’m a different person who wants to put things right in their life and to make it work no matter what the cost. I had devised a plan, and I had to get back into my work ethic mode. I definitely knew that many people were not keen on me from the way I was and this was the first place I had to focus my attention.

I jumped in the car and headed off to work after a hot shower. I had decided to speak to as many people as I could and hopefully make amends for my previous attitude and despicable behavior.

When I arrived, I exited the elevator and headed toward the office. I could see that Kendall was busy behind her desk and I tried to sneak up on her and surprise her.

“Good morning Kendall, how are we today?” I asked in a light manner.

“Good morning Mr. Hanson, I’m quite fine, thank you,” she replied with a quaint smile.

“I hope you had a good time last night, I thoroughly enjoyed it,” I said as I beamed my positive feeling to her.

“It was very nice, and I would love to do it again, but you may not have noticed, we are at work,” she chuckled and winked.

“Oh, yes. I was totally in the moment. Thanks for reminding me,” I said as I headed into my office.

I entered my office and waited for Kendall to bring me my coffee, I would then begin to put my plan into action.

“Here is your coffee good Sir,” Kendall said as she placed the cup on the desk. Her curves looked amazing in her pin-striped dress.

“Thanks, and can you send in the staff from the shipping department one by one? I wish to talk to them,” I replied as my dick grew thick and hard for her.

Yes, no problem, any order, or just how they come?” she asked as she walked toward her desk.

“No, order. Just send Jefferson in first,” I said. I’d hoped my erection would correct itself when she left.

I glanced over the reports from the previous day, everything was ticking along just fine, but there was no reason to become complacent in business, because that is when it all falls apart, so Dad always told me in my memories.

I just realized I had a thought of what Dad said to me without consciously thinking about him, was this a sign my memory was being unlocked? Today could be the start of a new chapter in my life, maybe. I hoped so.

“You want to see me, Sir?” Jefferson said as he stood in the doorway.

“Hi Jefferson, come in and have a seat, it’s nothing, I just want to see how things are going and how you have finally settled in?” I asked.

“Things are good. The work is fine and, yeah it’s all good,” Jefferson said, looking quite genuine.

I looked at him and thought he was probably shit scared, and I noticed that he looked like a deer in the headlights of an oncoming car.