“Did you bring the photo album with you before I forget?” I asked.

“Yes, it’s in the car, I’ll just go and get it.” He walked through the garage toward his parked car.

“You gonna keep the cars?” he asked as he returned with the photo album.

“I might get rid of the McLaren, it’s a nice car, but not very practical, the others I can live with, a bit sporty but not way over the top.

“Why do you think we were never close, or should I say why weren't we this close before?” I waited.

“I don’t know. Maybe it was because Dad took you under his wing and left me to my own devices,” he replied. “You may have learned all of his good points and a few of his bad ones while you were growing up, but you have put a lot of hours in at work that’s for sure.” I could sense that he felt proud of me and it made my heart tingle.

“I don’t know either, maybe I might remember if my memory comes back enough, I just hope I don’t turn back into the person I was before,” I said.

“Well, if you get on well with Kendall, I’m sure she will help you to remain the brother you are now. She has stood by you no matter what, she’s like you say, a good woman,” Peter responded in a genuine tone. Happy for my happiness.

“Anyway, I must get off, I have a date of my own in a while,” Peter said.

“You sly old dog you, kept that quiet didn’t you?” I said in a cheeky tone.

“It’s nothing serious, just a bit of fun. You know how it is,” Peter smirked.

“Actually, I don’t know how it is,” I laughed. “But no matter what happens from this point forward, I’m glad you are my brother. You are a good brother, and I appreciate what you have done.”

“Come on then if you’re going. I’ll race you,” Peter said laughing as he ran toward his car.


I arrived at Kendall’s apartment and texted to her that I was waiting downstairs in the Audi. It was a hell of a car but comfortable, and it was easier for Kendall to climb in and out of that one compared to the others.

Kendall came out from her apartment wearing a figure-hugging silver dress which showed off her gorgeous curves. Her long blonde hair was blown by the light, summer wind. I opened the door for her, and she got inside. I quickly closed the door and jumped into the driver seat.

“Where we off to?” she asked as she tussled with her windswept hair.

“You hungry?” I asked as I took her in.

“I’m starving

, I could eat a horse!” she said as she laughed

“I can’t get you that, will Italian do?” I replied with a wink.

“I love Italian, it’s my favorite,” she turned her head toward me, and I saw her bright eyes.


We arrived at Ginalo’s, and the owner had been very helpful and given us a table in the quieter part of the restaurant, I wanted to know Kendall more, and this setting was the best place to achieve it.

The waiter guided us to the table, the lights were dim, and there was a solitary candle on the table, the flame flickered and cast shadows which danced across Kendall’s face, her beautiful eyes glistened as she talked.

“Now, because I know nothing about my past life, tell me about you,” I asked. I wanted to know her, and she melted me.

“Well, I come from a small town in the Midwest and wanted to go into nursing, but when that didn’t happen I changed my vocation to business administration, which is the reason I’m working for you,” she said as she moved her hair back behind her ear.

“There must be more than that, or is that just the condensed version?” I said with a smirk.

“There is more. I just wanted you to know how I got to where I’m. Oh, and as a child, we lived on a farm and had lots of dogs and farm animals, I also had a horse named Bobby, which I was always riding every chance I had,” she said in her relaxed tone.

“So, you are a real animal lover then?” I moved my chair closer.