I opted for just normal underwear... nothing too flashy, just classy. Not that anything would go that far, and if it did I would probably be shy, I had not had much experience in that department, so I just had to rely on my womanly instincts and the help of my big lazy dog.

I dropped my towel on the floor and watched myself as I slipped into a nice pair of black silky effect panties. Bo barked from the bed, so I knew he sounded his appreciation. I stood and looked at myself in the mirror. My heaving breasts would be enough for any man I thought, as I laughed. I grabbed my black matching bra and fastened it as I received another resounding bark from Bo.

Bo had opted for a blue dress which showed my assets off a treat, not flashy by a long means but it left enough to the imagination and could warm any man. According to Cleo.

“So, what do you think?” I said to Bo.

He lifted his head and panted, and to me, that meant it was good, and I looked fine.

“You think Elijah will like it?” I added.

Bo barked which meant a resounding "yes." I had accomplished my look, my long blonde hair cascaded over my shoulders, and I had gone for minimal makeup; a bit around the eyes and a nice lipstick just to give my lips some depth. It was crystal pink in color.

I headed downstairs just in time for Elijah to knock on the door. I had a feeling of nervousness as Bo planted himself on the couch. I was sure Elijah wouldn’t remember the day with the vet, but just in case I had my fingers doubly crossed.

“Hi, come on in,” I said to Elijah.

“Thank you, wow you look stunning,” Elijah said as he entered the hallway.

“Excuse the dog, he just plops himself anywhere he wants,” I said as I led him to the living room.

“Wow big dog, I bet he takes some looking after.” Elijah smiled.

“He does, he eats like crazy and has just been a bit ill recently,” I replied.

“Who’s a big boy then?” Elijah said as he stroked Bo.

I found myself dumbfounded, the last time I mentioned him, he totally lost it and said animals were stupid, and now he was totally cool with them.

“What was wrong with him?" Elijah asked as if he'd been captured by mind wiping aliens.

“Anemia, the vet gave him some medication, and he seems to be better now. Actually, the vet mentioned she knew you from when you were a kid,” I explained.

Elijah shrugged his shoulders. “Maybe, I don’t know.” He smiled at the dog and then at me. “Well, are you ready? We don’t want to be late.” He ruffled Bo’s head.

We climbed into the car. He had chosen his Audi, it was a nice car and had plenty of performance yet it was built like a family saloon. Gosh, I thought Elijah might also be nervous.

“So, where are we going?” I asked.

“Nothing too flashy, or too loud, you like burgers?” he asked as he started the car.

“Who doesn’t like burgers?” I replied with a nervous giggle.

“Okay. I’m not sure if you know it, but we are off to Pappy Joe's Burger Shack,” he replied.

“Never heard of it, and I thought you had lost your memory?” I questioned.

“I have. I asked Peter the best place we used to go as kids, and he said this place has the best burgers you will ever taste!” We both laughed.

“Do we get fries as well? And a milkshake?” I asked in a girly voice.

“Kendall, you can have anything you like tonight, this is to show my appreciation, and before you think a burger is not much, these are the best burgers, so Peter said.”

"Mmm, very impressive!" I said, feeling more relaxed as we drove.

We arrived at Papa Joe's which was located at the end of Piapi Boulevard It was a part of town that was out of the way for many people going for a night out. The car lot was half full, and there were plenty of people inside. It didn’t look like the best building in the world, but the smell was fantastic!

We entered the diner, and the noise of chitter chatter instantly hit our ears, and a waiter walked up to us.