We headed to an area which was partitioned by glass. I could see the images of the workers who stood behind it, and wondered what made this area different to the first area we had just walked through. Peter opened the door for me. I sheepishly entered, wondering why my appearance felt so cold.

“Welcome to your new stomping grounds,” Peter said as he waved his hand before him like a servant or jester.

“What, this is my office area?” I asked as I scanned the vastness of it.

“Your area is here, yes, and this is Kendall, your new personal assistant,” he replied as he smiled.

“It’s a pleasure to see you, Mr. Hanson, Peter has told me so much about you during recovery,” Kendall said as she held out her small, soft hand to greet me.

I took her hand and politely shook it, her warmth passed into me as she gently squeezed. I saw her amazing dark-green eyes and the genuine look she gave stunned me.

Peter continued and led me to my office and explained a few things and what he had arranged. He told me Kendall had a background in nursing as well as business administration.

I sat in my chair and listened to Peter, but my focus was far from his words. I just had to look at Kendall through the glass; she looked divine, with her long blond hair that cascaded down her body. She had real curves... she had fantastic, curvy curves. And her eyes, I couldn’t avert my gaze from her dark green eyes as they looked down at her work.

“I have to run somewhere for an hour, but I’ll be back. Just get re-acquainted with your office and with Kendall, and take it easy,” Peter said, obviously in a rush.

Peter spoke to Kendall before leaving my office. She walked to the kitchen area and returned to the office. She tried to open the door with her ass so as not to spill the drink. I jumped up and grabbed the door as I glanced down and smiled.

“Please come in for a while. It feels nice to have a friendly face around me, not that I don’t appreciate what Peter is doing for me. But you are far better looking.” I took a sip of my drink. “Good coffee, it's very tasty. So, tell me about yourself.” I eyed her gorgeous curves, wondering how the fuck I’d gotten so lucky.

I leaned on my desk and listened as Kendall told me she was 25 and had been hand-picked by me just a few months ago for this position. And about how she had always wanted to go into nursing because she cared about people. But, her career had taken her in another direction.

“Well, I think you will be a good fit. I did hear the boss likes you,” I added with a cheeky grin.

“Why thank you, Mr. Hanson,” she replied with a perfect smile. “I’d better get back to my work.” I could see she was smitten. She stood and turned toward the door.

“Elijah. Call me Elijah,” I said as she walked out.

She smiled through the glass, and I my body hardened. This was going to be a long, hard day! Damn, she was perfect. Almost too perfect.


Peter returned to the office, and we got ready to leave. As I walked from my office, I paused next to Kendall’s desk.

“Kendall, would you like to have dinner tomorrow evening before I go back to the office?” I asked politely. “In a way, we are both new, so it might be easier if we are on the same page.”

“Why sure, whatever you say,” she replied as she smiled.

I felt something inside me. Maybe it was because Peter had been saying I used to do whatever I wanted, something was off.

“Don’t say yes because I have asked. Say yes if you want to, forget I’m the boss,” I said looking for honesty.

“Elijah, I would be honored to be your date for dinner tomorrow evening. Was that better?” she said with a twinkle in her perfect eyes.

“Yes, that was much better, and now I feel better, thank you.” I left the office grinning to myself.

We arrived back at Peter’s car, and I slumped in the passenger seat.

“I think she’s the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen. Well, as far as I can remember,” I said as I grinned. “It would be a tragedy if I had forgotten about her.”

“I agree.” My brother gave me a funny look.

“What was I like before? You know, with the women that I dated?” I asked.

“Honestly, I’m not sure, but I heard you just slept with anyone you wanted,” he said slightly embarrassed by the admission.

“You’re joking. I was like that?” Shock rolled through me. Had a slept with Kendall already? No. I could have picked up on that for sure.