“I suppose you’re right. We wouldn’t want to get used to a new Elijah just to find his memory comes back and find that the dragon has again been unleashed,” Travis said with a chuckle.

“Make sure you explain everything properly to the others and don’t expand on the truth. I know how you like to be a gossip king!” I replied as I winked at him.

“Scout’s honor, I’ll be respectful toward him, but I do hope it’s a long-term thing, we can mold him to our will!” he said with a laugh that belonged to a horror movie.

“Damn Travis, you can be mean sometimes, but cute with it, now get back to work,” I ordered with a grin.

“Yes, miss, sorry miss, I won’t do it again,” he replied as he returned toward the shipping department with a skip in his step.

I was working for around an hour when the door to the office opened, and Peter and Elijah exited. Peter told me he would just take Elijah around the shipping department and introduce him to everyone again and he would be back before they left the office.

Peter introduced Elijah to his staff. I could see they were apprehensive and were unsure of how to take him even though he had no recollection of them apart from what Peter was telling him. It appeared that Elijah was being polite and courteous which was enough to make the open employees feel confused to his complete change in nature.

I saw them walking back toward my desk, Elijah talked to Peter as they walked and I could see from the look in his eyes he had a lot to take in, in such a short time.

“Did you meet everyone?” I asked.

“Yes, they seem a good bunch and were quite polite, yet I felt they were being cautious because I don’t know anything,” Elijah said.

“Forgive me. I’ll be back in one moment; I just need to go back to speak to Jefferson for a moment, there was something I forgot to ask him,” Peter said as he bowed out of the conversation and sauntered back toward the shipping department.

“So, how does it feel? Your quick visit?” I asked Elijah.

It’s fine, but I get tired easily at the moment, maybe it’s too much for one day,” he replied smiling. “I just have to get back up to speed on everything before I’m fully aware of what’s going on." I could sense his confusion.

“Well if there is anything you need, just let me know, I have a good idea of what goes on here on most days, so if anyone should know it would be me,” I replied.

“So, you are not just a recep-” Elijah started to say.

“Receptionist? No, I’m your personal assistant. Whatever you want, I grant your wish… so to speak.” I gave a smile.

“Ah, so you are the brains, and I’m the brawn,” he replied with a warm smile.

“Yes, you could say it like that!"

I couldn't believe he didn't remember anything.

“So, what do you want to know about the job? Is there anything specific?” I asked.

“I want to know everything, but not right now, I feel like my brain could explode, I have just left the hospital, so I need a little adjustment time to get back into being familiar with just normal life. Let alone the pressures of work,” he explained.

I felt sorry for him. “I understand, just let me know when you are ready, and I’ll bring you up to speed with whatever you need to know,” I replied as I reached out my hand to his arm.

“Well, it’s funny you should say that. I wondered if you fancied discussing the job over dinner tomorrow night, especially if you have such a good insight into the daily operations and how the staff operates. I already noticed, you seem to be the go-to person that everyone can talk to,” he explained as he smiled with beautiful lips.

“What gave you that impression?" I asked hoping we could talk longer.

“I noticed you as soon as I exited the elevator, you just seemed to ooze something, it’s hard to put my finger on, but you have a good personal composition and a warm and caring personality. I’m not sure how you came to work here, but I feel it was for all the right reasons and because I had treated you well?" His words were genuine.

“Oh, things were fine, and the other staff just use me to buffer you against too much information. They are always concerned you will have information overload if they bombard you all the time,” I replied with a little white lie.

“On that note, I have my fingers crossed that you would accept me. So, Kendall, would you like to go to dinner tomorrow night with me so you can bring me up to speed then?"

“Er, that was out of the blue and totally unexpected, but I would love to go for dinner tomorrow night and discuss work with you,” I replied with a shocked look on my face. “You want me to book somewhere?”

“No, it’s fine, I’ll do it. I have to learn to stand on my own two feet again,” he answered. “Just don’t blame me if the place is not so nice. I’ve forgotten what it’s like to go out on a date.”

“So, it’s a date? I thought it was a work thing,” I laughed as I gazed at him with a blushed face.