I was saddened by the news but was eager to know more. “What’s my position, manager or what?” I asked as I leaned forward to hear his reply in angst.

“You own it, lock, stock and smoking barrel,” he said.

I looked at Peter confused. I scratched my head and asked, “So if I’m the boss, what do I do?”

I could see the look in Peter's eyes. The conversation brought up memories which must have been painful; his eyes looked glossed over and sad.

“Elijah, my dear younger brother, your job is to do what the hell what you want, when you want,” he said as he grimaced.

I found his words hard to comprehend. Had I been given that much? Was I that rich?

Peter explained more about the company, and said he would take me to the office in the morning. Maybe once I had time to gather my senses and come to terms with what we had just spoken about, I could get on with my life. But one thing was sure, whatever sense of satisfaction all this luxury gave me before, it didn’t appeal to me at all now. The opulence was borderline insanity. No one man could need all of this stuff.

“Get some rest,” Peter said as he headed toward his car, “I’ll pick you up in the morning around 10 a.m."

“See you tomorrow, Peter. And thanks for everything. I really appreciate it,” I said as he slowly made his way down the driveway toward a totally different sort of life. I felt ridiculous having all of this when he didn't. I hated the fact.

I walked around my house and was dumbfounded when I reached my closet. I could see designer shirts still in the cellophane and shoes still in boxes. I had a sense of total gluttony that I had been responsible for it and ignored my brother's needs. What kind of prick was I before?

I hoped what I had seen would be the extent of it because I could see no real reason why a person would want so many unnecessary luxuries in their life. Had I become so bored with my life that this what I had become? Maybe I would have a better understanding after I visited the office in the morning with Peter. At least I had a big brother who supported me. I obviously had been a total fucking asshole. Wow, I even shocked myself.

Chapter Twelve


I sat at my desk for most of the morning, and every time the elevator bell rang I quickly looked up in anticipation. Each time I glanced up, and it wasn’t Peter and Elijah that walked out of the elevator, I got a little downhearted.

I looked around the shipping department and noticed all the others also glanced up from their desks as the elevator rang,

just as I had been doing, and each time they all turned back to their desks and carried on working quietly.

My nerves danced around my body the longer the time passed. I sat on the edge of my seat with every hour that passed and there was no sign of them. Suddenly the elevator bell rang, and the door opened, and Peter exited first closely followed by Elijah. He looked normal, yet his eyes looked wide and slightly scared as he looked around and tried to absorb everything he saw as if it was the first time he had been there.

They walked toward my desk, and I stood and walked to greet them.

“Kendall, this is Elijah as you know, and Elijah this is Kendall, your lovely personal assistant,” Peter said.

Elijah smiled and held out his hand. “Pleased to meet you, Kendall. Peter has said nothing but good things about you.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you too, Sir. And it’s good to have you back,” I replied as I smiled.

“Call me Elijah," he said as he smiled.

Wow, this is a change.

I sensed he was checking me out. It felt good knowing that he looked at me as more than just an employee. I had, after all, checked him out as he exited the elevator, so we were square in that department.

We exchanged a couple more sentences before Peter interrupted us and took Elijah into his office to become more acquainted with his domain. The door closed and a noise lifted up from behind me. I turned, and Travis had quickly come up to my desk.

“What’s wrong with him? Fuck, he seems a little vague and not with it,” Travis asked.

“Well, you may as well know now, and from a reliable source, Elijah has actually lost his memory. Everything is totally new to him at the moment,” I explained to Travis.

“Holy fuck, how lucky we are, and we thought he would blow his stack when he got back. I hope he never gets his memory back, all the grudges he had against people have all been wiped out in one go,” Travis said as he thought about it more.

“Can I tell the others? I always wanted to be the bringer of good news, can I, can I?” he said frantically.

“You may as well, you will all find out soon enough, just keep it quiet and don’t cause any disturbances,” I said as if speaking to a small child. “I can see why you are excited, just remember he’s a person just like you and me. We should take things steady and not expect too much from his situation. The doctors did say it could come back, especially when he’s in an environment which is familiar to him, so until we are sure which way he’s going, be careful,” I explained.