“That is bad, but once a prick – so to speak – always prick, he will never change,” she said angrily.

I could tell Mom was totally bitter toward Elijah, she had become over protective of me since Dad wasn’t there, but I was 25 and had grown up a lot. It was true there were some things I was still naïve about, but this didn’t make me a dumb blonde.

“Wait, there is more, he has lost his memory, he’s unable to remember anything, and even Peter had to show him identification for the both of them,” I explained.

“So, he has no idea he was a total prick?” she asked.

“No, and the doctors say he might not ever remember anything,” I said.

“At least you won’t see him if he does get his memory back, you will be well gone,” she said. “Please tell me you are still leaving?”

“Erm, well, I have decided to give it a while longer, he needs my support,” I said. “I can’t just leave him in his time of need.”

“Oh God, and here was I overjoyed you had finally made your mind up,” she said with a disappointed tone in her voice.

“Mom, I thought you had raised me better than that; you can take the girl out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the girl, you always told me,” I said.

“Yes, but this is different, he has a mean streak in him,” she said in anger.

“He had a mean streak,” I emphasized.

“Whatever you think sweetheart, it’s your decision at the end of the day. You make them, and you live by your choices, good or bad,” she added.

“It’s not for me to just leave someone in that condition, you know I would help anyone in their time of need. And especially someone I know, no matter how much of a dick they have been to me. Elijah gave me a chance in a position that I wasn’t really qualified for, so, I do have to be a little thankful about that,” I said.

“Just make sure you don’t go too overboard with your compassion and keep an eye on his attitude because you never know what will happen. I mean, he could just break altogether and then where will you be?” Mom asked.

“I’ll observe his behavior. If it’s a bad as Peter says it is, I’ll still go back to plan A and quit my job, but I’ll do it in a quieter way rather than telling him he can shove his job up his ass,” I said.

“Okay, dear, just keep me updated with what goes on, I hope for your sake he doesn’t remember the person he used to be and instead he ends up with a completely different mentality altogether,” she added.

“Well, I better go, I don’t want to be late on his first day back, that wouldn’t be very wise for me to do,” I said. “I’ll speak to you soon Mom. Take it easy.”

“Bye, dear,” she said as she hung up the phone.

I showered and took Bo to the garden before going to bed, I laid there and thought of what Elijah’s return would be like. Even just talking to him would feel strange as he would have no clue what you were talking about, even for the simplest of things.

As I relaxed in bed I had a happy feeling come over me. It had lifted a weight off my shoulders knowing he was physically okay. Additionally, and on the mental side, it had brushed away the thoughts of me leaving for the time being. Hopefully, things could get back to normal soon, and on a much better level than they previously had been.

Chapter Eleven


I opened my eyes and looked at the clock, it was 10 a.m. I slept for 12 hours solid. I left the bedroom and headed downstairs to see Peter. I could see no sign of him, but he had left a note for me on the kitchen counter. It said he went to the office and would be back home in a few hours.

I headed into Peter's study. A large antique writing desk adorned the center of the room. It looked like a cartographer’s desk and was in immaculate condition. I ran my hand over the inlaid leather writing surface and could see that the locks, handles, and escutcheons all looked original. Behind and out of contrast was a black leather big boss chair which looked well weathered and sat in. I could imagine my brother there.

I lowered myself into the soft leather, it welcomed me and relaxed me. I closed my eyes and was embraced by the smell of history. I pondered a why Peter had these as luxuries when the remainder of his home looked so modest. I closed my eyes for a moment and bathed in the silence. I had become peaceful, and my mind had cleared from being completely blank. I opened my eyes and heard a car door slam closed in the driveway.

It had to be Peter returning home.

I rushed to the door and opened it as I heard him fumble with his keys.

“Welcome home Sir,” I said with a grin.

Peter looked at me. He seemed astonished I’d welcomed him. Maybe he was used to coming home to an empty house. There seemed to be no one else in his life but me right now.

“So, what have you been up to?” he asked with a genuine tone.