“They were happy times, and times that have been missed.” He bowed his head a little and sipped his aromatic coffee.

“I think I have had too much excitement for one, day. I’m feeling a little tired, can I lie down for a while please Peter?” I asked as I hugged him hard.

Peter looked at me surprised by my affection and showed me to my room. It looked quaint and was neutrally decorated in case guests stayed over I supposed.

Peter helped me to the bed and removed my shoes. Then he placed the photo album on the side table before he closed the curtains to shade the light out for me.

“I’ll leave the album there for you, but for now, get some rest, because you have a lot to take in,” he said as he closed the door behind him. I loved him so much and was thankful for his help.

I laid on the bed and closed my eyes. My mind ached from all the images, the photos, and all the endless questions. It was like a sensory overload, and it drained me completely.

I closed my eyes and tried to let my mind relaxed. It frustrated me that I had to ask about everything, and I was sure it would get worse before it got better. I slowly drifted into an exhausted sleep.

Chapter Ten


I sat behind my desk and could sense from a distance that everyone in the department was happier that Elijah wasn’t here. The work was being done, but everyone just seemed a little too relaxed, and it wasn’t how a company should be run.

The bell on the elevator dinged and lifted my head. Travis exited and headed toward my desk.

“Is he not in again? he asked.

“No, still no sign yet, and Peter has not given an indication when he will be in,” I replied with a vague look on my face.

“We should make the most of it, and I can see everyone is doing just that,” he replied as he smiled.

“Yeah, but, just because the boss isn’t here, there is no reason to be totally lax in how we perform our duties.” I was a little worried that things had become out of control.

“As long as the work is done. That’s all that matters,” he replied with a grin.

“Well, it’s not the way I look at it, I perform my best if the boss is here or not,” I replied with assertion and pride.

“I’m a bit worried though, he will blow his stack when he finally comes in and see’s the difference and how people are acting,” Travis answered.

"Probably." I looked at my computer emails: 329.

“Maybe it has gone a little too far; it won’t be easy for people to switch back and hide it, I’m sure he will notice and go on a wild rampage. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were a few empty seats at the end of it?” Travis added finally as he left my desk and headed toward the shipping department.

I wondered what would happen when Elijah did finally return, would he blow a fuse? Would it be safe for him to do so in his condition? I mean, he was sure to be a little fragile to start with, and any big outburst could have a really bad negative effect on him.

I carried out my duties. I had been busy keeping the reports up to date and made sure everything was filed as Elijah liked it, at least I could help to ease him back into it, and I wouldn’t be on the end of one of his tantrums. The emails kept coming.

I returned after lunch to find Peter in Elijah's office. He was looking through some of the papers I had left ready for the return tray. Peter looked up and noticed I was heading back toward my desk, he waved and gestured for me to go into the office.

“Hi Kendall, how is everything going?” he asked.

“It’s as well as can be expected. There has been nothing major to report,” I replied.

“Have a seat. I need to explain something to you,” he replied.

“There is nothing wrong, is there?” I asked with a quizzical expression on my face.

“No, nothing is wrong, it’s just, I’m going to bring Elijah into the office tomorrow, and you will notice a difference in him, a very big difference,” he said plainly.

“What sort of difference? Like a physical difference, or something like that?” I questioned.

“No, he has lost his memory, he’s not able to remember anything, I even had to show my driving license to prove I was his brother!”