“I see your point, but it doesn’t change the fact that he’s a person and a person shouldn’t be blamed for being on the receiving end of an accident. Mandy, we should have some compassion rather than being bitter and twisted toward people like this while they are vulnerable,” I said with a sarcastic smile.

“So, you think I’m bitter and twisted, do you?” Mandy replied with a chuckle.

“Well you do have quite a blunt outlook on life, you make everything black or white, right or wrong. It's like there is no middle ground,” I said.

“Ah, it’s the middle ground where confusion sets in, that is where most people’s problems start from.” She pointed her finger to emphasize the point.

“I wished I could look at life so simply, I have feelings, and I know that people have the same feelings, no matter who they are or what their attitude is toward everyone else,” I said as I held back my tears. “There are times, I can see it in his eyes, that is when he’s not screaming at someone, I think deep down he’s afraid of something, and he just needs someone to help him conquer his fears,” I said with a sympathetic expression on my face.

“In Elijah’s case, it’s obvious something made him go out on his motorcycle and want to be free from everything. Fuck, what was he thinking and what could someone have done to prevent him from shooting off?” Mandy said.

“I don't know. But he’s going to be needing someone now, and I probably know him better than anyone apart from Peter.” I said with an obligation.

“Don’t tell me you have had second thoughts about leaving,” Mandy said in a shocked voice.

“Well, you know, I do like the job, and now it may be different, he may be

different. We know people can have some trauma and their whole personality changes. Maybe it will bring out the best in him,” I said.

“I’m not sure Elijah has a good side, or if he has, it’s so well hidden it will take more than an accident to reveal it, he will probably be bragging about how he survived a fatal accident. Yeah, another thing he can say to charm a woman into his bed no doubt.” Mandy returned from the kitchen with a refill of our coffee cups.

“I think now is not the ideal time to leave, even if not for him, the business needs someone, and Peter is not in a position to always be available to help out. And anyway, he’s not up to speed on how the company functions on a daily basis,” I said.

“God, you make it sound like you are the boss’ wife,” Mandy said with a laugh.


“Kendall Hanson... Elijah returns from the dead, and beds a virgin, just think of those headlines in the news, you could be famous,” Mandy said as she choked on her coffee in a laugh.

“Fuck you, Mandy, you know I’m just a little inexperienced in the love department, unlike you, spread them and bed them,” I said a bit pissed with her, now.

“I might have had a few men, but it has all been my choice, I have never been swayed by anyone if I didn’t want to do it. I’m in control, not them and certainly not their cocks,” she replied as she clenched her fist to show her strength.

“Well enough joviality, I’m being serious, I may just give it a little longer before quitting, I would feel better in myself if I hang around until he’s fit again,” I added.

“I know you would, and I’m not going to stop you, even though I have different opinions. Because it would eat you up if you walked out on your 'knight in shining armor,'” Mandy said with a Cheshire grin.

“I can see why you are my best friend, you know me just a little too well,” I replied as I threw my arms out to give her a big hug. Gosh, she is so annoying sometimes!

Chapter Nine


My head hurt, and my ears rang, I opened my eyes and could just see white. I looked around the room and realized I was in a hospital. I desperately tried to remember why I was here, but everything was blank. Shit, had I been ill? I asked myself.

I could see a man in the chair next to the bed, and he looked familiar, but I couldn’t put a name to his face. I watched as he opened his eyes and looked at me. He grabbed my hand and gently squeezed it in genuine compassion.

“Elijah, thank God. You’re so lucky. I nearly lost you,” the man said as he squeezed harder still.

“Who are you? What am I doing here?” I replied as I tried to pull my hand from his firm grasp. He had brown hair and deep brown eyes. He looked in his mid-thirties.

Pain shot through my shoulder and I realized I must have broken something, but how? And why the fuck was my mind blank?

“I’m Peter, your older brother. Don’t you remember me?” he said as he leaned toward me with a look of concern that aged his face.

“Not really, you look familiar, but that’s it. Why am I here?” I looked at him confused with the whole predicament. My body ached everywhere.

“You were on your bike and had a bad accident, Elijah. You had a blackout and broke your shoulder. Your bike is a total wreck. Thank the Lord you’re alright,” he said with a half-smile plastered on his face.