I adjusted my gloves and loosened my shoulders, I dropped the clutch and shot off like a rocket. The gauge hit red and then changed gear. I had my head down as I approached 100. I could see nothing around me only the vastness of road stretched out, almost like I was flying. This would be my moment of glory.

I checked the gauge, I was up to 130, 140 and the bike was shaking. Then 142 and holding. I had reached maximum speed. I basked in the glory. I’d done it! With the top speed achieved, there was another I could tick off my bucket list.

"Woo hoo!" I screamed out under my helmet as I felt invincible.

I looked in front of me. I could see what appeared to be small balls hitting the road, it was, oh shit, my mind quickly replayed the past events. The news had forecast a downpour of rain and... fucking hail. I lifted off the gas and started to slow, I entered the hail storm at well over 100, and the noise inside my helmet was deafening as the hail continued to pummel me like I was a trash can that toppled over and clanged.

I touched the rear brake, and the wheel slid to the side, and as I corrected, the bike high-sided me. I spun as I flew through the air. I hit the road with my shoulder hard and fast, and then my ragdoll body cartwheeled. I landed on my back and slid toward the trees.

I felt a thud in my back as I hit the grass curb, my body flailed as I was thrown against the road sign. I could see behind me. The bike had slowed and ground to a halt, with a shower of sparks flying from the hail covered road as she finally came to a momentous rest on her side.

My visor misted up as my breath filled my helmet, I couldn’t lift my arms to open it. I could just see the day was slowly falling into dusk, and then lights came, and the first sign of traffic approached. I closed my eyes. I could hear voices.

"Over here," someone shouted.

I regained consciousness. I was fading and wanted to speak, yet I had nothing in my body left to mutter anything. My eyes opened and closed, the white lights changed from flashes of blue to red.

Then as I drifted back into and out of consciousness, there was something around my neck. It was stiff, and then my helmet was slowly removed. I could see the ambulance, with the lights flashing through the unrelenting hail. The lights looked like angels dancing as they flashed, in the dark gray sky.

I could see the outline of a man, as he stood there and watched me.

My mind went back to the bar, "Mark my words,” I pictured the old man saying. "You don’t want to lose it all." I pictured him raising his bottle again.

My eyes closed as I could my body being lifted onto the stretcher, then I floated. The lights flashed, and the dance became quicker in my tired mind. I turned my eyes and looked toward the voice, was I dreaming or was that, was that the old man? I wondered.

The doors of the ambulance opened in a haze of lights, hail, and a cloud of memory that flashed in my sore head. I was slowly being wheeled in.

From behind me, a voice said, “Nice bike you got there, Mister.” Just as the doors closed, the voice continued, “Checkmate.”

Chapter Eight


I woke up as Bo licked my face, it appeared he had responded well to his medication, so, at least I wouldn’t have to be so concerned about him during the day. Another good thing was I only had today and tomorrow remaining before I could tell Elijah to shove his job where the su

n doesn’t shine.


I arrived at work and noticed that Elijah’s car wasn’t in the car park which I thought strange, even though he was a total prick, there was no denying his commitment to the company and his work ethics. But maybe he just had one drink too many last night. That made sense.

I exited the elevator and walked across to Jefferson’s desk, “Yo, Jefferson, how’s it hanging?” I said with a giggle.

“Hey homey, it's hanging okay for this time of day,” he laughed at our fun.

“You see any sign of Elijah? His car is not in the lot,” I said with a puzzled look on my face.

“Not seen him, and don’t care if I don’t see him at all today!” He grinned at me and winked.

“While the cat’s away, the mice will play and all that eh?” I replied.

“You got it, girl, make the most of it, it won’t happen very often,” he added.

I returned to my desk and got the day’s duties underway, I answered a few calls for Elijah, but I had nothing to tell them, I had not seen him. "I didn’t know when to expect him in," wasn’t an answer they wished to hear.

I had one call from Mr. Roddenberry who was Elijah’s personal lawyer, yet I had thoughts that he was much more than that. He asked where Elijah was as he had the information he wanted, but he wouldn’t leave a message, which I thought was a bit strange.
