“Ah, so what’s the cure for that?” I asked.

“I can give him some pills, but he’s getting old. It may get worse over time. As for Elijah, I wish I could tell you differently, but it may be time for you to look for another job,” she said.

“I have considered it, and everyone has determined that is what I should do, maybe this episode with Bo is the final straw and I’ll leave, job or no job,” I replied.

“Like I said, I have known Elijah for a lot longer than you, and I have not seen a change in the better for him. Actually, if anything, he has gotten worse over the past couple of years.” She patted Bo as he panted.

“I don’t want to lay blame on you, but you could be the person who has just convinced me to leave, at least you have knowledge of his history,” I said as I lifted Bo from the table.

I gained more insight into Elijah's behavior from the vet and paid her for the meds, then I jumped in the car and headed home. I would seriously take on board everything I had just learned. The prick had just pushed me a bit too far this time.

“So, Bo, what do you think about what the vet said?” He was asleep. “Should I leave him?" I asked him anyway.

It may have been a sign or acknowledgment that he understood me, but he barked, so Bo had made the final decision, I would finish at the end of the next week, no matter what he said to convince me otherwise.

We arrived home, and I took Bo into the house and gave him his medication. I hoped he would get better and prayed it wasn’t a sign he was getting too old. I showered and fixed my dinner, and then my phone rang.

“Hello, Kendall, how are you?” Mom asked.

“I’m okay. I have just got back from the vet with Bo,” I replied.

“What’s wrong with him?” she asked inquisitively.

“A touch of anemia, the vet said it’s a sign he’s getting a bit old."

"Give him a big kiss from Grandma."

“I have also decided to quit my job,” I said.

“I’m so happy you have decided to do that, it will be the best decision you have made.” She sounded happy.

“I’ll tell him Monday. I'll also qualify for full pay and my monthly bonus, that is unless he gets funny and tries to stop it, but, I’m not sure he would be bothered. I can't believe it, but he only cares about having a bum in that seat, no matter who it is,” I answered.

“Good for you dear,” she said with a sound of happiness in her voice.

“I’ll also give him a piece of my mind. I have got nothing to lose once I give him my resignation letter, he can shove his job up his ass for all I’m concerned,” I replied with a laugh.

“I knew you would come to your senses dear. It was only a matter of time before you saw the light. You will be much happier once you finally leave.”

“You can look back on things and learn from them, even if they were not mistakes. You could use things toward your future,” she commented.

“Mandy said you were a wise old bird,” I said with a giggle.

“She’s a cheeky girl, just wait till I see her next time, I’ll show her who is an old bird,” she said with a firm tone and in jest.

“I’m sure I’ll be nervous though when I hand my notice in, he will probably give me a right earful to start with, and it will be a week of hell,” I said nervously.

“Just take it as it comes, once you give him that letter what can he do? He can’t exactly fire you for anything,” she said.

“I just hope I have the courage to open my mouth and say something to him, I know he wouldn’t listen, but it might make him think a bit if he ever thought my point was worth anything,” I said.

“You never know until you try, he could just ignore you completely, or he could listen to what you say without acknowledging what you have said,” Mom said. “If he’s that arrogant, he will make it look like he’s ignoring you."

“The only thing is, what happens if he won’t accept my resignation, is there any way he can stop me leaving?” I asked.

“He can say that, but at the end of the day, I don’t think there is anything legally he can do to stop you but don’t take my word for it, I’m not a lawyer,” she said plainly.

“I’ll have a good think about what I’m going to say to him, all the bad points compared to his good points if I can think of any good points, that is,” I said.