Fuck today. It was already fucking me.

Chapter Six


I had thoughts of Bo all day, I had wanted to take him to the vet, but my boss had forbidden me to have the day off. I couldn't believe the arrogant prick had no concern for anyone apart from himself, and from the way he talked yesterday, he has even less concern for animals. How inconsiderate could one person be? When he wants to be a prick, he’s and has got to be the biggest prick out of all of them.

I nearly finished all my work, and the office door opened, I hoped he didn’t want me to do anything else at this time. I lifted my head, and Elijah walked straight past me, never even acknowledging that I was there. Wow, if I had the day off, he wouldn’t even of noticed. He just wanted to make a point and used giving special treatment as a weak excuse.

Every time he acted like this I could see him for who he really was and all the conversations I had about it started to make sense.

“Goodbye prick,” I whispered under my breath.

I looked at the clock. I could still make the vet if I was quick. The prick had gone so he wouldn’t know if I sneaked off a little early. I grabbed my things and headed home to get Bo.

When I arrived at the vet's and could see the blinds on the door being lowered as I jumped out of the car. I quickly ran and knocked on the door.

“Hello," I shouted through the glass, as I knocked on the door.

“We are closed,” a voice said.

“It’s me, Kendall. Bo is sick,” I hollered. “Please?”

The lock clicked, and the door opened.

“I shouldn’t do this, but seeing as I know you and Bo a little, come in quickly,” the vet said.

“Thank you, I would have come earlier, but my boss wouldn’t let me take off. I was lucky he left the office a little early today,” I replied as I panted.

“So, I take it your boss isn’t an animal lover then?” the vet asked with a look of concern.

“You could say that I’m not so sure he even loves people, or at least not the ones who won’t jump into bed with him when he wants them to!” I shrugged my shoulders.

“How long you been there?” the vet asked.

“Not long really, just over a month, and it’s a dream company to work for, a once in a lifetime opportunity,” I replied as I held Bo still on the table.

“What’s the company, dear? Maybe I have heard of it.”

“Hanson’s, you know the big logistics company,” I replied as I stroked Bo’s fur.

“Ah, Hanson’s, I know it well. I suppose you are talking about Elijah then?” the vet commented.

“Yes, how did you know?” She checked my dog on the cold, stainless steel table.

The vet explained she lived around here most of her life and knew the parents of Elijah and Peter from years ago. She saw how he had changed as he started to grow up with all that money and power.

“I also saw him on the TV on occasion, especially when his dad died, and it was announced he was to be the sole owner of the business. But something wasn’t right there if you ask me, Peter

is much more level-headed. Elijah has just turned into an arrogant dick, pardon my French,” the vet said as she held a stethoscope to the chest of Bo.

“So, what would you say the problem is?” I asked the vet.

“Anemia,” the vet said.

“Hey? You think Elijah is anemic?” I asked puzzled.

“No silly, Bo has a touch of anemia,” she laughed at me.