“I could write a book on some of the stories I could tell you about guys trying to hook up with me, there have been some real fucking treasures with their attitudes and the way they think they are God’s gift to women,” I said.

“I could do the same, but my book would be X-rated, I got them in the sack most of the time and then ended the relationship before anything happened," Mandy said plainly. “Sounds to me, you have a thing for your boss but he’s just too much of a dick to realize it, anyway, he has probably bedded many women and wouldn’t even look at the likes of me and you, or is that just my observation?”

I wasn't sure. Maybe she was right.

“I think it’s just much safer to say I don’t have time for a man in my life at the moment. I’ll leave all the fun and excitement up to you for now,” I said as I winked at her.

“Point taken. If I wasn’t your friend, I would be slapping you right about now, but because we are close, how about coming shopping with me and helping me choose my sexy outfit for this evening?”

She was so predictable. I wanted another latte. She drank the rest of mine.

Chapter Five


I stood in the shower, the water tried its hardest to wash away the effects of the hangover I felt, but no matter how much it tried, it still pounded. I had a vague recollection of what went on earlier in the night, but how I ended up in bed somehow.

I had a party and not for any particular reason, I could, so I did, and plenty of women always flocked here when I threw one. It just made it easier and more convenient to get laid, for me anyway.

I got dressed and headed downstairs. The smell of strong coffee beckoned me. I needed to wake up before I headed to the office. I switched on the coffee machine and grabbed a couple of pills to ease my headache. I hoped they would do something to help with the pounding I still had in my poor head.

I took my cup and walked to the lounge. I wondered what carnage would await me. I was surprised when I could see two chicks still huddled together on the couch. They left nothing to the imagination. I could see they were butt naked, sprawled and asleep.

“Rise and shine,” I shouted. “Time to get going you two.”

“Ten more minutes,” the brunette mumbled.

I hated that, someone who didn’t do as I told them to, there is no such thing as a free lunch here and these two should understand that for fuck's sake.

“Move it. Come on,” I grumbled as my head pounded.

“Okay, already. Chill,” the blonde mumbled as she closed her eyes again.

I could see red. I grabbed all of their things and threw them out of the door and onto the long driveway.

“Move your asses. You've got about 10 seconds,” I was pissed at their non-conformity.

The girls sat up and rubbed their eyes, they tried to look for their clothes and turned to me looking puzzled.

“Your stuff's outside. See ya, and thanks for playing,” I said sarcastically waving to them, as they headed out of the door.

The brunette grabbed her clothes, turned and flipped me the finger. "What a dick," she mumbled under her breath.

The place was trashed. The party had been full of hangers on and leeches, and I wasn’t bothered. I could afford it, and it served my purpose. I grabbed my cell and called the maid service.

“Good Morning Mr. Hanson,” the lady said. “How may we help you today?”

“I want my house cleaned today,” I replied abruptly as my head throbbing.

“I’m sorry, but we are fully booked today Sir,” she answered. “Is tomorrow morning okay?”

“Did you not understand me? I said I want it done today,” I barked into the phone. “I give you good business, and if it’s not done by this afternoon, you can forget me using your services again. Is that clear?”

“Sorry Mr. Hanson, I’ll get it sorted,” she said sheepishly before I hung up on the bitch.

I arrived at the office and made my way through the customer service department. Work was the last place I wanted to be and what made it worse was the comments I heard from the staff as I walked past. Most days I ignored it, and I couldn’t give a fuck what they said, but today would be someone’s unlucky day.

“Kendall, what’s on for today?” I asked as I walked past her desk.