“I’ll give it a while longer before I decide, either way, he may warm up to my charm and change, you never know! Maybe another couple of months and I’ll decide for sure, Mom.”

“Ok, dear, I better let you go, and say 'hi' to Mandy for me, it has been a long time since I saw her,” she said before she ended the call.

I got ready to meet Mandy and headed toward Café La Blanc where I was due to meet her at eleven. Bo would have to wait a little while longer. I found I was around 15 minutes early and grabbed my favorite latte; then I took a seat by the window.

I sat there as I sipped my drink and never noticed Mandy slip into the seat opposite me.

“Wakey, wakey,” she shouted as I jumped.

“Sorry, I was miles away. I spoke to Mom earlier, and she has got me thinking, she says 'hi' by the way.” She sat down, looking amazing. Pretty brown hair and a great smile.

“How is the old bird anyway?” Mandy asked with a giggle.

“She’s fine, still plodding on as always, and always telling me how to run my life or ruin it,” I replied as I smiled. “So, what do you got planned for this glorious weekend of no work, girlfriend?”

“Well, I thought we could go out on the town later and catch us a couple of guys? How about it? Are you up for a night of debauchery?” she added as I caught her wink.

“You know I have never been a one-night stand sort of girl,” I went on. “I need to feel some chemistry and attraction.”

“Attraction is easy, just wear your low-cut dress and attraction is sure to come your way quicker than you can say ‘lickity split,’” she said as she laughed loudly.

I don’t know. I’m not into one-night stands, they hold no attraction for me. I just don’t see the point of hooking up with a guy just for sex,” I said as I crinkled my nose. “Maybe I’m just a country girl at heart and all I can think of is the ideal dream of a good man and having kids with him. Talking about settling down, what’s your ideal scenario?”

“Well for a start he needs to be a bit of a looker, I don’t want just anyone hanging on my arm,” she said predictably. “Secondly, he must have a decent bank account balance, not just the sort to pay the Harrys. I need enough to cover all my shopping habits. You know what I mean, girl?”

Mandy loved to shop. I had been with her when she was in a previous relationship, she could burn 10 grand in an afternoon easily. She could probably give Elijah a run for his money.

“As they say, no money, no honey,” Mandy said. “Lastly, he

has to be good in bed and needs to pack some serious meat on his member! Oh, mamma, yes... packing some serious meat.”

"Stop!" I said, laughing so hard my sides hurt.

“I have some serious needs, and this booty needs some serious attention,” she replied.

“So, what about you girlfriend? What’s your ideal scenario in life?” she asked as she sipped on my warm latte.

“Well, he needs to be good looking and healthy, and know how to look after himself at all times. Yeah, personal hygiene is a must. Secondly, he should be successful and be a good provider for a family. He doesn’t have to be over wealthy, that is not a problem as long as his heart is pure,” I said.

“So, he’s the total opposite to your boss then? He sounds like he would be better for me rather than you,” she said with a wide grin. “You should introduce us, I could show him a seriously good time if you know what I mean,” Mandy said as she lifted her breasts as if offering them to an imaginary Elijah.

“Deep down, I think he’s okay, but the way he’s at the moment, he’s a total dick. Mom asked if I was gonna leave, and I’m not sure yet,” I said.

“You should try it, entice him with your womanly charms, I have done it many times, and look at me now,” Mandy replied. She did have loads of money from men.

“No offense, but I have no intention of being like you, I love you to death, but your track record with guys has not been the best by a long way,” I added as guilt raced through me from speaking the truth.

“Hell, girl, what are you trying to say? I look fine, I’m as good a catch as anyone!” she said as she ran her hand across her breasts and mouth. “Who could resist these charms eh?”

“Well, that is you, I’m just too different to your way of thinking and attitude, I’m more reserved and happy to wait for the right one to pop up,” I said, hoping she wouldn't take offense.

“Well, don’t waste too much time, you’re not getting any younger, and your Mr. Right may just pass you by completely as you are looking for something that isn’t available for you.”

“I’m quite happy to settle for Mr. Right now, and I want him tonight one way or another,” Mandy said as she winked and grabbed my arm.

“I may have had a different attitude about going out, but all I ever seem to meet are dicks who are just out for sex. I can't believe they are shallow and so up themselves,” I added.

"Yep," she agreed.