“Don’t forget, count like I told you and then pull the ripcord,” he shouted over the noise as the air was sucked from the cabin.

“I know, I know,” I replied, and confirmed I understood by giving him thumbs up sign. Stupid, greedy prick.

The instructor placed his hand on my shoulder, I grabbed both sides of the door, and I rocked back and forth and then launched myself into space. The air rushed over my face and ripples formed in my cheeks as I plummeted to the earth below me.

Count to six and pull, fuck that, I'll count to eight instead, I thought.

Six, seven, eight... I pulled the ripcord, and the chute opened, my fall suddenly stopped, and the harness pulled at my body, and my chest was tugged hard. I looked below as I glided down toward the field, I could see people milling about. They looked like ants and then started to grow bigger the closer I became to the landing point. I was aroused, the adrenalin pumping at full speed around my body. My feet touched the green ground as I swooped onto the land.

I grabbed the chute and walked to the instructor. “Again, I wanna go again,” I said. “I’ll pay you extra.” This guy loved money. At least we had something in common.

The instructor agreed, and we did it all again, he was happy he had just earned and extra 500 bucks, and I was wrapped, and although I had no idea what could fill the day after that, I was sure something exciting would turn up.

We headed back to the service lounge. My body buzzed

. I was ready for anything. I entered the lounge and handed the dirty blonde girl my helmet and hung my suit back on the wall.

“Five minutes and you will have your certificate,” the dirty blonde shouted over the counter. Fuck she was more than hot.

I ignored her momentarily. Something else had caught my eye. I noticed a woman who sat alone by the window. I ruffled my hair and casually walked over to her.

“Hi, you here to jump?” I asked with my sexiest smile and a hand in my pocket.

“Er, no, just waiting,” she answered looking delicious.

“You can’t beat a good jump or two,” I said grinning to myself and noticing her lips. So hot. I wanted them to wrap around my hard cock and hear her moan.

I cast my gaze over her body. She had curves, curves I could just devour and spend the whole fucking afternoon with. I sat in the chair next to her and flashed my blue eyes and waited. She avoided my glances, but I could feel her attraction to me as she closed her legs tight.

“What would it take to get you to leave with me?” I asked.

Her face looked stunned by my comment. Then the perfect O was created by her pink mouth. Fuck, yeah.

“What do you take me for?” she replied turning her body away slightly.

She was begging for someone like me to fuck her brains out.

“You look mighty fine. I would love to spend the afternoon with you,” I replied as I reached into my pocket and removed my wallet, opening it to check my money purposefully.

I sensed her eyes had caught the sight of my wad. I knew there were not many chicks who could resist the temptation of this much money. I had at least two grand tucked in the designer leather wallet.

She suddenly turned to me after it caught her gaze. My plan worked. She winked and suddenly, just like a fucking magician, I was hers. I escorted her to the car and opened the door as she slipped inside with her sexy skirt. I slid behind the steering wheel and started up the powerful engine. I turned to the woman and let my eyes linger on her body.

“Can you feel the power between your legs?” I asked with a wry smile, eyeing her perfect breasts under her t-shirt.

“As long as it’s all go and not all show,” she said as she adjusted the seat belt which had happily worked its way between her breasts.

We headed for home, and she touched me softly, stroking my leg as I drove. Fuck. It was going to be a perfect end to my already thrilling day. I was going to make her scream my name while I fucked her hard and fast under my silky sheets. All in the comfort of my own home.

Should I? No.

Would I? Fuck yeah. Namely because I could.

Chapter Four


There was something wet on my face, and I tried to imagine what it was. I opened my eyes and was greeted by Bo sitting there, wagging his tail. He always tried to wake me when he was hungry or wanted to pee.