I decided to take the car to the airfield rather than the bike, and as always, I wanted to impress as I arrived. Not flashy bling, just something that oozed sex appeal because I did that's for sure. I climbed in the Audi A8, I started the engine, and the five point two-liter V-10 sprang to life. It was beyond powerful. With 540 ponies controlled by my foot, damn this car was good.

I shot out of the driveway and tested the zero to 60 time; four seconds, damn I’m slow, the factory claimed a time of three point two seconds. Next time I’ll do it, I’ll, I promised myself with a cheeky grin. Fast cars and fast women were all I'd ever need.

I arrived at the airfield and headed to the office for the skydiving school. It was a small place, and inside there was just one girl in her 20s with dirty blonde hair, which she repeatedly twiddled with her fingers while she chewed her gum.

“Name please?” she asked as she chewed and talked allowing me to see the pink gum that rolled around in her mouth.

“Hanson. Party of one,” I said as I chuckled to myself. This was going to be a fucking blast.

“Take a seat, the instructor will be with you shortly,” she replied as she scribbled on her pad as if trying to look efficient. It didn't fool me, and I noticed her cleavage spilling out from her low-cut blouse. Damn.

I sat looking out the window, the planes lined up, wing tip to wing tip, just waiting for their rich owners to come and take them out at the weekend. I should get one, but not a tiny one. A 10-seater would be good.

I could see the instructor as he walked to toward the office. He was dressed in a red and blue skydiving suit with a white helmet and blue framed goggles. He kicked open the door and headed toward me.

“You must be Hanson,” he said as he thrust out his hand to greet me.

“Yep, but call me Elijah, the Hanson part can wait for my employees,” I replied as I took his hand and gripped it hard asserting my control with my firmness.

“It’s just you jumping on the first flight, so get suited up, and we’ll get underway." He didn’t seem to like me, but it was irrelevant.

The big-breasted girl behind the counter stood and placed a black helmet down for me and red-rimmed goggles on the top.

“Are you small, medium or large?” she said as she scanned my body.

“I’m definitely large,” I replied as I cheekily winked at her trying to get her attention.


I climbed into the orange suit. I look like a God damned.

We walked toward the Cessna, the pilot busy talking on the radio as we climbed onboard and slipped onto a wooden bench. The plane shook, and the noise from the engine filled the cabin. The pilot uttered a few words and slowly taxied toward the runway.

“It gets bumpy when these planes take-off, just grab hold of something,” the instructor bellowed into my ear, his spittle leaving his lips which left me disgusted as it landed on my face.

"Yeah, thanks!" I replied wiping my face in disgust.

“First jump?” the instructor shouted as we started to leave the asphalt, the rumble of the wheels falling into silence as they left the ground.

“Yeah, first timer,” I replied.

“You will need to do a tandem jump first time,” the instructor informed me.

“Fuck that, I want to jump solo,” I said taking control of the situation.

“It’s against the rules, either that or you don’t jump,” he replied as he sat back in his seat.

I reached into my pants’ pocket and pulled out a small wad of notes. I peeled off a couple and handed them to the instructor.

“I’m jumping solo,” I pressed, as I held the notes in front of the instructor.

He glanced toward the cockpit to see if the pilot was watching, he could see he was busy staring at the clouds. He greedily grabbed the notes and stuffed them hurriedly into his pocket.

“Not a word to anyone, okay Big Boy?” he said.

“That’s fine by me,” I replied with a wide smile. Money really gets you everything. I grinned in satisfaction.

The plane reached the jumping altitude and circled back toward the airfield, the instructor gestured toward me, five minutes as he held up his greedy, fat fingers. I sat, and the adrenalin pumped through my veins, my heart pounded against my chest. I felt like I had just had fantastic sex. No wonder this is so popular. The light turned to green, and the instructor gestured me toward the door.