“Well, you should keep your options open, there is no harm in looking around and checking what’s available, what have you got to lose?” Her eyes were wide and obvious. She could be so assertive, and it was hard to ignore her, sometimes.

“That would be a bit dodgy, Elijah has contacts everywhere, it wouldn’t be long before he found out I was looking, then he would surely give me hell,” I said in explanation.

“Well if I were you, I would start looking, even if you just read the adverts, he won’t find that out. Plus, you never know what the future will bring.” Apparently, hot pink was my color.

“Maybe you’re right, but at the moment, I think I can stick it out with him as long as he doesn’t get any worse,” I commented shocked by the nail color as she painted it on the first nail. “I’ll keep my options open, but as I said to Jefferson, I’m not making any rash decisions at the moment. It's better the devil you know than the devil you don’t!”

“Oh well, just be careful and don’t end up in bed with the devil,” Mandy said with a devilish grin.

"Once you have sold your soul, there is no going back,” she laughed.

“Fill my glass, and stop being such a philosopher,” I said. “I’ll have to make this my last one. I have to get home to Bo, and I’m driving. I don’t want to be over the limit."

“So, that is your final decision. You are going to stick it out for a while?” Mandy asked as she concentrated on my left-hand creation.

“For the time being, yes, I’m going to tough it out and show my true mettle. I can put up with the crap because at the end of the day they are only words, and words can’t break bones, they can just be a little hurtful sometimes.”

“You’re right, I suppose, just think of yourself and your dog!” she laughed.

“Speaking of dogs, I need to get home to him. He’ll be wondering where I’m,” I said.

I finished my glass and grabbed by things, I waved to Mandy as I reversed from her driveway and carefully drove home, and all the time, the conversation went through my head. My nails looked like they belonged to a call girl. Wow!

I arrived home, and Bo was waiting, I quickly let him into the garden so he could do his business. He was a big dog, a big, lazy, beautiful dog. Great to cuddle with and a good listener.

I fed him his favorite dinner then I had a shower and got into some nice relaxing pajamas, it was a long day, and I had already started to feel a little drowsy, or maybe that was the wine that had started to affect me? I couldn’t be sure.

I jumped into bed and waited for Bo to join me, he always slept on the end of the bed and protected me. I wasn’t sure if he would be too lazy if anything did happen, but for moral support, he was always there for me.

“Come on Bo,” I said patting the bed. He jumped up beside me.

“So, how has your day been then eh?" His eyes followed my hand waiting for a pat, “I hope you have had a better day than I have, it was full of work related things. Yep, mainly conversations about finding another job. What do you think?” I asked the nearly asleep Bo.

He looked at me with his big sad eyes. I’m sure he thought I should rough it out and give Elijah the benefit of the doubt too, at least for the time being. He wriggled his big brown and white body closer to mine, and I put my hand on his belly as we slipped into a deep sleep together. Thank goodness, the weekend was here. I was exhausted.

Chapter Three


I pushed the button on the remote, and the curtains slowly glided open. It was as if they were pushed by an invisible force. I could see the first beams of the sun as it peeped over the horizon; today was going to be a good day, a fun day I thought.

I kicked off the duvet and placed my feet on the oak wood floor, I tensed my shoulders and stretched my arms out in front of me. I loved mornings, and I

shook off the last remnants of sleep and headed for the shower to get myself ready for the day.

I stepped in, the first drops of water cascaded over my body; their icy chill numbing my senses. I started to wash as I thought of the business, it would do them good not to have me there to carry them all of the time. Fuck them. I can do what I want, it’s my business after all.

I found my robe and headed to my closet... my beloved closet. This was every man’s dream, I had spent a fortune creating this masterpiece, and that was without the clothes. Hell, my closet was better than most stores, full of Versace and other well-known brand names. It was worth a packet of money and I owned all of it.

I stood there as I pondered over what I should wear, smart casual, or just downright rich and a bastard casual? That was the question. As always, it was the rich bastard who won out, so, I grabbed a pair of Alexander McQueen track pants, and a classy designer sweatshirt to match. Then, and as always, it was the watch. Which damned watch should I choose? I opted for my Bvlgari, not my most expensive by any means, but the styling best fit the rich bastard sporty look.

I looked at myself in the full-length mirror as slipped on my watch. Damn, I looked good, what woman could resist this if it was offered to her? I had a body built for sin, and my light blue eyes could melt the heart of any woman, not that I wanted their heart.

It was hard to improve on perfection, so I conceded defeat, and I combed my hair and headed downstairs to the kitchen. I needed a good boost of caffeine to keep me going, the adrenaline would kick in later, but for now, I needed a shot or two of espresso… double strength. I measured the coffee beans and tipped them in the grinder. I hit the button and watched as the blades sprang into action, the beans danced around as if they were on a hot tin roof.

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air; the hissing and spitting of the espresso machine worked its magic and the scalding hot water infused with the flavor from the coffee. It was a cup of pure Heaven I thought, and what better way to start the day.

I finished my second cup, my body buzzed, and the caffeine got to work immediately arousing my body. Damn, that feels good.