“When you are me, there is a simple solution. I could just fire you and then ask you out,” I said as I smiled.

I could see Kendall look at me with confusion, she had no idea if I would do that or not just to date her. For anyone who knew me, they would know, of course, I would do that. And fuck, Kendall was really hot and worth firing just to get her into bed. But there were also other hot chicks who came to the office every day; there was no shortage of volunteers.

I moved from her and entered my office and asked Kendall to get me a coffee when she returned. I thought I would test her, and see how far I could push her.

“So, Kendall, you want to go on a date?” I asked probingly.

“I, um, I would have to think about it,” she replied.

“Well, do that then. Think about it and let me know, okay?” I replied in my obvious tone.

Kendall returned to her desk, glancing back and casting an odd small smile toward me. I wondered if she was the clingy type, one good night and then they thought they were in a relationship.

Fuck that!

The elevator opened, and I saw a few faces I recognized. Shit, the accountants had arrived, and there was one hot chick who worked for them. And there she was, she strutted out from the elevator and looked toward my office. Nice. I raised my hand in acknowledgment that I had seen her. I had dated her a couple of times, and it had been fun, she understood the situation, and was totally fine with it.

They entered the boardroom and decided to make that phone call I wanted to make for a while. I could see no reason I should put it off any longer. So, I made the call and arranged my session for the morning. I was excited to do something new for a change, I sat there and thought about what it was like to be me, it was good, that was for sure.

I could see that Carla had left the boardroom and headed toward the executive kitchen, I quickly jumped from my chair and my cup and left my office.

“You want a coffee?” Kendall asked.

“It’s okay. I’ll get it myself, I’m not an invalid you know,” I replied.

I entered the kitchen and could see Carla making herself a drink, her long legs were highlighted by the heels she was wearing. She was a classy chick who liked to power dress. I didn’t beat around the bush and asked her what she was doing later, and as always, the answer was, “not a lot.” I arranged to pick her up at seven p.m. and would take her to dinner. She couldn’t resist me. Most women couldn’t.

I walked back toward my office and could see Kendall looking at me.

“That question you asked me earlier,” she quizzed.

“What question was that?” I replied in my usual, casual way.

“If I would consider a date with you,” she replied with a subtly pissy tone.

“It’s okay, forget it. I’m meeting Carla later. Maybe next time,” I said. “I’ll let you know.”

Kendall’s expression tightened. I wasn’t sure if it was from relief or disappointment, but who cared? I had my night set, and I would be out of the office tomorrow.

“Before I forget, I’m not here tomorrow,” I said in a cocky voice. “I’m going skydiving.”


y. I’ll look after everything,” Kendall replied as she stared back into her computer screen.

“Just don’t be late. I know you can be a little late on occasions,” I said.

“It’s not very often, and I work...” she tried to say, but I cut her off in mid-sentence. I wasn’t interested in what she had to say. I’d rather talk about me.

“Do you know how dangerous skydiving is?” I asked. “You have your faith in some fabric and some string that’s all, thousands of feet in the air and just God's will if you survive or not.”

She looked disinterested. “I had not thought about it.”

I pissed her off some more. She was so damn cute when she was pissed. “Yeah, it’s good to be able to take the day off when you want, and do exciting stuff,” I said.

I found myself enjoying rubbing her nose in it. She was just an employee, and no matter what her position was now she was only ever going to be less than me. She had perks that the others didn’t have, but she was just another pair of legs who answered the phone and did other things that I wanted her to do.

“So, don’t forget, make sure you are here on time, or even come in 30 minutes earlier to be sure, but just make sure you are here,” I said.