I looked down into Leah's blue eyes and took a deep breath before I continued.

"I don't like the distance between us, and I want to do something about it," I said. "So, I renovated this house in the hope that you would . . ."

"You think I'm just going to pick up and move in with you because you have all the money in the world to buy things that you think I might like?" she asked.

"No, I didn't . . ." I began.

"Look, it's nice of you to offer, and the house that you've picked is definitely a nice one, but I'm not interested in some kind of live-in arrangement," she sighed. "Six months ago, I might have jumped at the offer, but now . . . well, now I want something more. You've shown me that I am capable of getting more."

She let go of my hand and walked across the deck toward the bedroom. Her shoulders slumped as if she'd had all the air let out of her.

"Leah!" I called causing her to turn around. I could see that there were tears welling up in her eyes. I inhaled and swiftly crossed the deck to where she stood. I pulled her into my arms and held her tightly against my body. "I wish sometimes that you would hear me out before you jump to conclusions."

"It's just that I can't . . ." she began as she choked back a sob.

"Leah, I wasn't asking you to move in with me," I said as I reached up and ran my fingers through her curly dark hair. "I love you, and I was asking you if you'd be interested in something more permanent. Oh, say, like marrying me?"

"Wait, what?" she said swallowing hard and looking up at me, again, confused.

"I'm asking you if you'd consider marrying me," I repeated as I watched her struggle to comprehend what I was asking.

"But what about Riley?" she countered.

"Well, funny you should ask," I said as I reached into my pocket and pulled out a small blue box. "She helped me pick this out."

I flipped open the box to reveal a perfect diamond in a traditional Tiffany setting. Once I had talked with Riley about what I wanted to do and gotten her approval, she and I had spent an afternoon shopping for rings. I wasn't sure how Leah would feel about the fact that I'd discussed things with Riley first, so I held my breath as I offered her the ring. I said, "Leah Walsh, will you do me the honor of accepting this ring and agreeing to be my wife?"

"Jack!" she cried as she stepped back and buried her face in her hands. For a moment, I thought I'd made a mistake and dread began to take hold, but then Leah looked up with a smile on her face and tears running down her cheeks. She simply said, "I love you, too. Yes."

I swept her into my arms and swung her around in circles as she buried her face in my shoulder.

"You silly man, of course I'll marry you!" she laughed once I put her down and slipped the ring on her finger.

"Phew, I thought maybe you were pissed at me," I admitted.

"Why would I be?"

"Because I basically asked a twelve-year-old for your hand in marriage," I said, sending Leah into a fit of laughter as the reality dawned on her.

"Well, I know what you were aiming for, so it's all okay," she said with a smile. "But don't do it again."

"Yes, ma'am," I said as I smiled and saluted. "Shall we go tell the world?"

"I'd like that, Mr. Yates," she smiled as she took my hand and walked with me out to the car.

Jimmy stood next to the vehicle, beaming from ear to ear. When I'd closed Leah's door and walked around the car, he looked at me and simply said, "Your father would have approved."

I smiled, nodded, and climbed into the car next to Leah as Jimmy drove us toward our future.

Chapter Forty-Six


After Jack's surprise proposal, we headed to his mother's house for an engagement party he had asked her to plan. Betty had invited a small group of friends and family. She'd convinced Patrick to come to the party and had arranged for a nurse to accompany Mama.

"This is all quite the to-do, isn't it?" Mama said when I went to hug her. "It's pre

tty fancy."