
The next few weeks were a period of adjustment as I settled into my new role as Senior Executive VP. The guys in the warehouse cheered for me and then took me out for drinks after work. They realized that I was going to have a lot more responsibility, and they all signed on to contribute whatever they could to make the whole thing work. Of course, I'd petitioned for and gotten raises for all of them, so the celebration was really for all of us.

The following months were easier as we all settled into a routine. Every day I came in to work and met with Jack. These meetings were difficult at first because I ached to tell him I was sorry and throw myself into his arms, but each night I reminded myself that it was important that I maintain a level of professionalism that would allow me to be taken seriously. Being Jack's girlfriend would never allow me that. I still wanted him with every fiber of my being, but as we worked together, I began to appreciate him in other ways.

Riley and I moved into a nice apartment in Brooklyn near the office, and Betty helped me find a good school for Riley so that she wouldn't be isolated from kids her own age. It was a bit of an adjustment for her after spending all of her time with adults and having a tutor focused on her individual learning. But slowly she began to find her way in the new school. Soon she was hanging out with kids her age as she worked to keep up with her lessons.

We visited Betty regularly. Riley would often hop a cab after school and meet the tutor for individual sessions, and then stay for dinner afterwards.

"Mother likes it when Riley drops by," Jack said after we'd finished discussing the third quarter plan and how we were going to expand the shipping department by hiring more workers to take over the tasks. "I think she's been lonely since you two moved out."

"I thought she was getting ready to do some traveling," I said, surprised that he'd brought her up.

"She is, but I think she really enjoyed having you and Riley around," he said. "Kind of like the daughters she never had, but desperately wanted."

"We can drop by more often if you think that would make her happy," I said. Betty had been so kind to us and, truth be told, I missed her too. I liked the new apartment, but it wasn't the same as padding around the mansion. Somehow the apartment seemed lonelier.

"I think she'd like it if you moved back in," he laughed as he gathered up the reports we'd been working on and stuffed them into a folder. He looked even more handsome now that he'd relaxed his work wardrobe and wore more casual clothing than the designer suits he'd started out in.

"I think Riley would like that, too," I said laughing with him as I stood and got ready to go back to my office.

"And how about you?" he asked. The question caught me off guard, and I hesitated as I tried to think about how to answer it.

"I miss having all of my meals cooked and my laundry done for me," I laughed, trying to downplay the fact that living in the apartment was lonely. I'd spent my life taking care of my family, so I hadn't developed any close friendships. Now with Patrick in the church and Mama in a retirement home, I only had Riley to look after. She was growing more independent by the day.

"We miss having you in the house," Jack said, and then more quietly, "I miss you."

"Jack . . ." I said.

"I know, I know," he held up his hand to stop me. "If we're going to work together, it has to stay platonic. I know that."

"No, I was going to say that I miss you, too," I said as I looked into his warm eyes and held his gaze.

"Leah, why are we doing this?" he asked.

"Doing what?"

"Why are we staying away from each other when we both want it?" he asked. I winced as he said it because I wasn't sure I knew why. I just knew that I'd done my best to keep up appearances and not put either one of us in an uncomfortable position.

"Because it's the right thing to do," I said, trying to hide how I really felt.

"What if I say that I don't care anymore?" he asked as he moved dangerously close. "What if I say that every night, I lie awake in bed thinking about how it felt to have your body pressed against mine, your lips touching mine? Do you know how much I want you to be close to me all the time?"

"I . . . I . . . I . . ." I stuttered as he reached out and ran his fingers down my cheek. I shivered as I felt his hand slide around the back of my neck. He pulled me to him. I let go and melted into his arms.

"I don't want this distance between us anymore, Leah," he said as he bent down and lightly brushed his lips across mine before he slowly kissed his way across my jaw, whispering in my ear, "I know you don't really want it either,

do you?"

"No," I sighed as he flicked my earlobe with his tongue. "No, I don't."

With that, Jack wrapped his free arm around my waist and pulled me against him as he kissed me hard and deep. I slid my arms around his neck and returned the kiss with all the fierce longing I'd felt since the last time we'd kissed. He spread his lips and urged mine apart as he slipped his tongue inside my mouth and teased mine. I could feel the deep well of desire suddenly explode and course through my veins as we let our mouths pick up where we'd left off.

"Jack," I sighed as I pulled back from the kiss. "Jack, stop . . ."

"What? What's wrong?" he asked as he furrowed his brow. "Something wrong?"

"No, just not here," I said resting my palms on his chest and looking up at him. "I can't do this here. Not now."