"There's no need, dear," Betty said smiling warmly. "We do what we can, when we can. And we're able to do a lot right now. Just relax and enjoy it, and let us help ease the stress of trying to figure out how to move forward, okay?"

"Okay," I nodded then asked. "Where's Riley?"

"Her room is two doors down the hall," Betty said. "I stocked it with things for a teenager, so I think she should be okay there tonight."

"I'm sure she'll be fine," I laughed, thinking about what Riley must have thought about her room. "I won't be able to get her out of it in the morning, though!"

"About that," Betty said hesitating a bit. "I know she's out of school right now. Jack told me. So, I found a tutor who will come to the house and give her lessons for as long as you two are staying here. I hope that's all right."

"Oh, Betty, thank you so much," I said as the tears welled up in my eyes. "I have been trying to figure out what to do about her schooling because I don't want her to get behind."

"That's the benefit of having lots of money, dear," Betty said patting my shoulder. "The challenge is figuring out how best to use it. I think this is definitely a good way to use it."

I nodded as she held out her arms and drew me into a tight hug. I held back, knowing that the wall dividing my emotions from the reality of what was going on had become dangerously thin over the past few hours, and I didn't want Betty to think I wasn't grateful.

She bid me good night and closed the door. I ran a tub full of hot water, then sunk down into the bubbles and cried until I felt like I had no tears left.

Chapter Thirty-Three


I spent most of the night pacing like a caged tiger, trying to hold back the anger that I felt. I wanted to find Lincoln and demand answers as to why he'd set me up, and then I wanted to find Sloan and cut her down to size. This was the last time I would ever believe a single word she said and, going forward, I would do whatever it took to ensure that she paid for the lies she'd told and the damage she'd done to Baby Steps.

By the time the sun came creeping up over the horizon, I'd formulated a plan to bring the liars out of the woodwork and teach them a lesson. Leah and I would save Baby Steps from the destructive plans my brother and his lover had cooked up.

I called Jimmy and told him to bring the car around before anyone in the house was stirring. I planned to get to the office early and organize the plan before anyone else arrived. When Jimmy dropped me off, I told him to swing back to the house and pick up Leah, but not to bring her in before nine. He nodded and headed back.

"Well, good morning, sunshine!" Norma crowed as she entered the office a little while later. She chattered away as usual before she realized how early it was. "My goodness, this morning I've been busier than a moth in a mitten! What are y’all doing here so early?"

"Norma, we've got a problem," I said, motioning her into my office.

"What's up, buttercup?" she said as she came closer.

"I'm going to trust you with information that is strictly confidential, and I expect that it will go no further than this office, do you understand?" I asked.

"Darlin', your father trusted me with most of the top secret things in this company. I'm sure I can handle your little cloak and dagger mystery just fine," she said shaking her head disapprovingly.

"I'm not kidding, Norma," I said as I moved toward the office door and shut it firmly. "There are things going on here that could seriously affect the entire company, and I need your help getting to the bottom of them. You cannot tell anyone what we're doing. Do you understand?"

"Why, you're serious, aren’t you?" she asked, suddenly getting serious, too.

"I am," I nodded. "Can I trust you to keep this confidential?"

"Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit," she said. "Of course I can, darlin'!"

"You really have a way with words," I laughed, thankful that she had lightened the mood a bit before I shared the secrets with her. "Norma, it's come to my attention that Sloan is working with my brother to destroy Baby Steps and sell individual pieces of it to foreign investors. Last night, I found out that they're getting ready to make a deal with the Chinese to buy our warehouse operation and ship it over to one of their factories."

"You have got to be shitting me," Norma said as she stared at me with her mouth open. "That skinny, little Miss Know-It-All is trying to ruin all the hard work you've put into this company since your father died?"

"Yes, and my brother," I said as I watched her expression go from shocked to downright angry.

"Well now that gets my goose!" she swore under her breath. "What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to lay a trap for them and catch them in the act, but I'm going to need your h

elp," I said. I explained the plan and told her what she was going to do. When I was done, Norma smiled and gave me the thumbs up.

"I'm on it, boss," she said as she returned to her command center out front.