"You are going to regret this, Jack," Lincoln warned as he turned and stormed out of the office.

"Wow, always the gentleman, isn't he?" Sloan said with a raised eyebrow as she slid her hand up my thigh under the table.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I said as I looked at her.

"You said you'd give me what I wanted any time," she shrugged as she withdrew her hand. "Never hurts to ask, does it?"

"My God, you're a total nymphomaniac, Sloan," I said, shaking my head. "Focus on the work in front of us, and then I'll reward your good behavior."

"Or better yet, you'll let me reward you," she said licking her lips before flashing me a sexy grin that sent a shockwave from my brain to the one place I couldn't control.

"Knock it off," I growled as I tried to focus my attention on the construction plans and forget about the fact that she was wearing a skirt that was slit just enough to give me a peek of her thigh-high stockings. "We've got work to do."

"If you say so," she said, turning her attention back to the blueprints on the table.

It took me 15 minutes to tame the beast she'd awoken but, after I finally did, then I sent her off to call on several of our biggest clients in Manhattan. I knew she'd charm them into ordering even more products and that she'd sell them on the idea that we'd be expanding our focus to make our warehouse a one-stop shopping spot for all high-end boutiques in the city.

After Sloan left, I gathered up the plans for construction and headed down to the warehouse.

Chapter Eighteen


"Behold, I bring good tidings of great joy!" Jack boomed as he walked into my office holding a roll of papers that I assumed were the plans for the warehouse renovation.

"Is that so?" I asked turning around to face him. I felt my breath catch in my throat as I looked up at him. He'd let his scruff grow a little wilder than usual, and his eyes were full of mischievous mirth that matched the grin on his full lips. Given the fact that I'd been fantasizing about him for weeks, this felt like a little more than I could take. I cleared my throat and tried to sound professional, "What have you got there?"

"These, my lovely warehouse manager, are the plans for the renovation that will be starting over the weekend," he said, proudly holding them up for me to see. "Want to see them?"

"Do I have a choice?" I laughed as my brain stuck on the fact that he'd called me lovely.

"Now, if you look at this you can see how the crew is going to build up and out," he said unrolling the plans on my desk and moving around behind me so that he was forced to bend over my shoulder to point out the various features. I tried to control my breathing as he moved in closer. I could smell his musky scent and felt the warmth radiating from his skin, and it was all I could do to keep my mind focused on the words coming out of his mouth.

"Uh huh," I nodded as he pointed to the various improvements that were to be made.

"And right here," he said, bending so close that his lips were inches from my ear. "Here is your new office!"

"I get a new office?" I asked turning in surprise and nearly brushing my lips across his. We stared at each other for a moment, and then he looked back at the plans.

"Yes, right here, there's going to be a big office with room for a conference table and a bathroom off to one side so that you don't have to share with the warehouse workers," he said smiling. "What do you think?"

"I think it's amazing," I said, wondering how he was going to find the money to pay for all of this. Baby Steps was a profitable company, but I knew that we didn't have the kind of money this renovation would take.

"But you're wondering how we're going to pay for all of it, right?" he asked.

"How did you do that?"

"I know you, Leah," he said leaning down so that he was speaking softly into my ear again. "I know what you're thinking, and I know what you want."

For a moment, I wanted to lose myself in the smooth sound of his seductive voice, and I almost let go. Then a nagging doubt cropped up, and I remembered the way Sloan looked standing in front of his desk up in the office. He wasn't interested in me. He was just interested in the chase.

"Yeah, sure," I said ducking away from him as I pushed my chair back and stood up. "You know that I want a bigger office and my own bathroom. Don't we all?"

Jack's face fell as he stared back at me. I could tell that he was disappointed that I hadn't fallen for his seduction routine, and that annoyed me.

"Well, I thought you'd be a little more excited than this," he admitted.

"When will it be finished?" I asked as I moved back toward my computer and punched a few keys just to distract myself from the fact that he was still standing entirely too close to me. No matter what my mind said, my body was still responding to Jack's presence.