I texted her several times throughout the day, but there was never any response from her. She hated me, and I couldn't blame her. I'd asked her to expose her vulnerabilities to me when we played BDSM games and then refused to answer a single question she had about my past. Now, it was splashed all over the news and half the country knew I used to take speed. Why hadn't I just told her the truth instead of hiding behind my fears? If I had, then I wouldn't have lost her.

I came to the bitter conclusion that I would just have to confess to Vick and Gwyneth that Kayla had dumped me. It was a bitter pill to swallow, but something I was going to have to do. I walked slowly out of my office at the end of the day, no longer looking forward to my dinner with friends. I decided to take my favorite motorcycle as a way to lift my spirits.

As I revved the engine to life, I felt a strange vibration in the seat of my pants. It took me moment to realize it was my cell phone ringing in my back pocket.

I saw at once that it was Kayla, and I nearly dropped the phone with surprise. My fat fingers could hardly press the answer button, they were shaking so hard, but I was surprised to hear the sound of a male voice as I brought the phone to my ear. He was threatening to rape her.

Then Kayla's voice could be heard, fighting him off with her quick wit. She needed me. My heart was racing. Tell me where you are, I thought fiercely, and then as if in answer to my prayer, she said to her attacker "He knows I'm here at the R.E.B. Corporate Studio on Ninth Street..."

That's all I needed to know. It was a short ride from my corporate headquarters and even shorter if I ignored all speed limits and took the back alley reserved for delivery trucks.

"I'm coming for you, Kayla," I whispered into the phone, not sure if she could hear me or not. My pulse was racing even faster than my tires as I squealed to a stop in front of the R.E.B. building just moments later.

I saw Jay Wendt open the door, looking nervous as hell. I wanted to beat his face in. Then I saw Kayla appear, looking wary but confident, and my heart soared. Thank God she was okay.

"Is everything alright?" I asked, looking hard at Jay. I wanted that son-of-bitch to know I was ready to kick his ass for threatening her.

"Yeah, everything is fine." Kayla held her hand up to me, making it clear she didn't want me to hurt him. Too bad; it would have been fun. Jay was lucky Kayla was such a good-hearted person or I'd have made sure he walked with a limp for the rest of his life.

Jay mumbled an apology to Kayla and then took off. It took all my restraint not to follow him and beat the shit out of him, but I had more pressing matters to deal with. Looking longingly at Kayla, I asked her softly, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. You didn't need to come here. I'll take a cab home," she said, rebuffing me.

"Get on, I'll take you." I indicated the back of my bike, but she just shook her head at me.

"No, thanks." Jesus, she could be stubborn. I spun around on my bike, spitting gravel and dust in a cloud in the air, and cut off her retreat. I'd had enough of her bullshit. She'd refused all the roses and gifts of jewelry I'd sent her, refused all my calls, and left all my texts unanswered, but when the shit was coming down, I was the one she called on for help. I was the one she knew she could turn to in a moment of crisis. She needed me as much as I needed her.

It was time to make things right between us, and knew there was only one way to do that. I just had to be honest and open my heart to her. "I've really missed you. Please, have dinner with me tonight. I'll tell you everything you want to know."

"No more secrets?" Her eyes were large with hope and longing.

"You can ask me anything and I'll tell you the whole truth. The lawsuit, my time in college, the years I was addicted to speed, how I developed my company. Nothing is off limits," I swore, and I meant it.

"Just dinner and talking — nothing more?" she asked me. Of course, I wanted more, but I realized now that even if we never had sex again, I loved being with Kayla. I missed her smile, the sound of her laugh, and the way I felt when she leaned her head on my shoulder. I missed hearing about her day, listening to her stories about her childhood, and answering her questions about mine. If she needed to put sex aside in order to gain the intimacy with she needed to freely give her body to me, then I was more than willing.

Taking her hand in mine, I said softly, "Only if you want more."

She thought about if for an eternity before her perfect, rosy lips turned up into that radiant smile I loved so much. She climbed onto the back of my bike and wrapped her hands around me. No words needed to be said. I just put the bike into gear and turned up the gas.

Kayla was mine again, and I was going to make this a magical evening that she would never forget — but first, we had a pit stop to make.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


"What are we doing here?" I asked, as Ethan parked his bike in front of Andresen's. It was the hottest new restaurant in town, guaranteed to be bustling with socialites seeking wealthy boyfriends and movie stars seeking the spotlight. It wasn't the kind of dinner date I had in mind and the least accommodating place to try and have an intimate conversation.

"We just need to pop in for a few minutes I promised my old friend Vick that we would have a drink."

"You also promised me we would finally get to talk," I reminded him.

"I know, and we will. We'll just be in and out. I'm afraid if I don't show, Vick will get worried and check in on me. I'd rather get this out of the way and be able to be alone together without interruption."

"Okay," I acquiesced, even though my instincts told me this was a mistake.

The maître d’ escorted us to our table, where I recognized Ethan's college buddy Vick, looking even more handsome than the last time in a black blazer and blue silk shirt. Next to him was the unmistakable Gwyneth Manzranni, looking incredible in a little black dress that hugged her voluptuous body like it had been poured onto her bare flesh, accented by a diamond, collar necklace and matching earrings. I suddenly felt dowdy and completely underdressed in the simple, pink summer dress I'd slipped into after work. My blonde hair had been wet when I finished showering after the shoot and I'd pulled it back into a simple braid, giving me a wholesome look that was far outshined by her glamour.

"Welcome. We're so glad you two could make it." Gwyneth hug