Shaking my head, I tried to concentrate on the man across the room. It couldn’t be him, right? At least that’s what my drunken mind kept trying to tell me. The little sober part still left reminded me that Logan’s mother swam in all the same social circles as my mother. It was why we ended up together on our sad, little half-date after all.

Sure, I’d not run into Logan at an event like this before, but it was like he said, age difference, and after that, the fact that both of us probably had been busy doing whatever. It didn’t matter. The handsome man now stood across from me in Mama’s house.

Logan chatted away with a friend of Mama’s. He glanced my way and then waved with a smile. Ever the polite society boy. I mean, I basically ran out on our date. If our positions were reversed, I didn’t know if I could be so nice.

When I saw him at the café, I’d already thought he was handsome. Now, though, in his tux, he was painfully handsome. Unlike Lionel, his smile seemed natural and not forced, even if a bit mischievous. He wasn’t some business-obsessed mama’s boy, but a hot man. A hot, unattached man. Just like I was an unattached woman.

Something about how calm he looked bothered me. I couldn’t put my finger on it. At least I couldn’t while drunk on champagne. He was too buttoned-down. I decided to show him a little fun.

Grinning to myself, I swayed slightly, the booze making it hard to stand without trouble. I waited patiently while he finished chatting with Mama’s friend. When she finally walked away, I strode straight toward him.

“Good evening, Emily,” he said.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him with me. His eyes widened, but he didn’t say anything. I resisted the urge to giggle.

A huge potted ficus sat in a small darkened antechamber off the main room. Mama loved that plant if only because Daddy had bought it for her a few years back for her during her brief gardening phase.

I finished pulling Logan halfway behind the ficus.

“What’s wrong, Emily?” Logan said.

It was time for some fun. I planted my mouth on his.

Chapter Six


I parted Emily’s lips with my tongue, eagerly seeking hers. Sweet champagne. I could taste it in her mouth. The thought about how much she might have drunk entered my head for a second before being pushed out by something far more primal.

It wasn’t like I hadn’t had more than a few glasses myself. It wasn’t alcohol, though, that made me invade her mouth. The woman was damn beautiful.

Our tongues prodded, probed, and warred, both seeking dominance and pleasure at the same time. She pushed against me, her soft breasts flattening against my chest. My only regret was that I had too many layers of clothes between my chest and those glorious mounds. I would have loved to feel her skin brushing against mine. Though, even through her dress and my tux, I could feel her hardened peaks.

I couldn’t stop imagining what it’d feel like if I could have my mouth on one of those breasts. The thought turned my dick to stone. I wondered if she could feel my hardness. I should have been embarrassed, but I didn’t care. Maybe I should have tried kissing her at the café.

She moaned quietly into my mouth, and I skimmed her sides with my hands, only barely resisting the urge to cup her ass. Even though the kiss was consuming most of my thoughts, I didn’t forget that there were still other people nearby. Going further with this could result in a minor scandal.

I couldn’t help it. Thoughts of what it’d be like to straddle her on a bed filled my mind. Too long. It’d been far too long since I’d been with a woman, let alone a woman like Emily.

When I’d spotted her when she first entered the room, it was like she’d stepped out of a dream. The prim and proper boring woman from the café had vanished, replaced by an alluring vixen. Her low-cut black dress clung to her curves, highlighting every delicious one and showcasing both her ample chest and her hourglass figure.

Seeing her in that dress, I realized she wasn’t just beautiful; she was damn sexy. I’d regretted letting her walk away so easily at lunch, but now I’d been given a second chance.

My tongue continued to twine with hers, and she pulled away.

Damn it. What was going on?

The sudden absence of her tongue in my mouth left me hungry for more, but it also gave my brain a chance to catch up and try and take command of the situation. I shouldn’t be all but dry humping a woman with my tongue shoved down her throat in the corner of a room with people just yards away.

I stared into her hazel eyes. There was lust there, sure. But something else? I wasn’t sure. If I didn’t know better, I would have said it was amusement.

When we’d met for the Thursday lunch, I’d thought she was a pretty and pleasant enough, if a tad on the boring side, but now she’d kissed me with such passion in the middle of her mother’s party. I didn’t know exactly what that meant about her, but it forced me to reevaluate my opinion of her.

She’d been in such a hurry to run off at the café, I’d become convinced she wasn’t interested in me. The kiss changed all of that. Sure, the taste of champagne in my mouth suggested a little liquid courage might have been helping, but it didn’t change the fact this proved she was attracted to me.

Emily’s breathing remained ragged and her cheeks pink, but I wasn’t sure if that was from alcohol or from our kissing. She glanced around. I did the same. No one seemed to be looking our way, and the position of our corner in the antechamber actually blocked most people’s line of sight.

I wasn’t sure if I was relieved or disappointed. It’s not like I made a habit of sticking my tongue down women’s throats at society parties, even beautiful women in sexy dresses.