"This room is amazing, and so was tonight. Thanks for bringing me," Kayla said as she sat on the edge of the king-sized bed in the center of the room. Her spine was stiff as a board, and although she was trying to play it cool, she was trembling slightly.

I remembered what it was like to be young and poor, just rising up the ranks in this city. Being brought to a lavish suite like this by a CEO was intimidating as hell. I didn't want Kayla to feel so ill at ease, so instead of sitting next to her on the bed, I strolled across to the bar on the far side of the room. I picked out the bottle of Bacardi 551 and poured us each a tall glass.

"I think tonight was a successful debut, not just for the All American, but for you too." I complimented as carried her drink to her and handed it to her with a flourish.

"Do you really think so?" She was so naively innocent and sweet, it was irresistible.

"I do," I said honestly. "The buzz around the party was as much about your cover shoot as it was about my bike. I heard a lot of guests asking who you were, if you had an agent, and wondering if you would be available. I expect your phone to be ri

nging off the hook Monday morning."

"God, I hope so. That would be amazing." Kayla's face lit up and her body relaxed. "I've been working so hard for the past three years with nothing to show for it. I can't tell you how close I came to just giving up."

"Well, I'm glad you didn't." I held my glass up and clinked it against hers. "To the launch of your career."

She took a large swallow and winced at the strength of it, but then finished it off with a hearty gulp. She was smiling victoriously when she handed the empty glass back to me.

"I want to thank you for believing in me," she said, and I could hear the emotion in her voice.

"Don't thank me; it was easy." I sat on the bed next to her and caressed her shoulder. "I admire you a lot for having the courage to go for your dreams. Making it as a model in this city is tough, but through it all, you haven't let yourself grow jaded or let them turn you into something you're not. That shows class and integrity."

"A lot of people have told me it was my integrity that was holding me back from really making it in this business."

"Well then, how come you're the new cover girl for Speed Motorcycles and sharing a drink with the owner of the company?" I asked pointedly, and she broke out in a wide smile.

"Honestly, I don't know." She blushed.

"I know." My voice was hoarse with passion. "You're an incredible woman, Kayla: smart, beautiful, sexy as hell. I can't tell you how much I want you, but I don't want you to feel pressured about it, like you're obligated to sleep with me just because I hired you to pose for the magazine. I only want you if you want me just as much."

"I do," she said in a husky voice. It was all the permission I needed.

I grabbed her and pulled her to me, crushing her soft, delicate lips with my own. Her mouth opened for me and our tongues intertwined as I tried to devour her. She tasted so sweet, and her body was so soft as her round breasts crushed against my hard chest. My erection was straining painfully in the confines of my slacks. I wanted to just rip off all our clothes and take her right then and there, but that just wouldn't do.

A moment like this needed to be savored. It needed to be drawn out, to maximize every moment, to make the pleasure last and last. I wanted to make Kayla's body feel things she had never experienced before. When she woke up in the morning, it would have been enough to make her stay this time, and I knew just how to do it.

Even though it pained me to do so, I released her from my embrace and drew back.

"What's wrong?" She looked worried.

"Nothing's wrong." I grinned at her with a sexy leer. "Go down to the ice machine and bring up a bucket of ice. I'm going to get things ready for when you return."

"What's to get ready?"

"You'll see. Now, be an obedient little girl and do as you've been told." I winked at her, and she smiled back.

"Yes, sir," she said, and then she was gone.

My palms were actually sweating as I closed the door behind her. I knew I only had a few minutes, and I needed to make them count. Indeed, I needed to make tonight count, and that's exactly what I intended to do.

Chapter Nineteen


My heart was pounding with anticipation as I made my way to the ice machine. What wonderful delights did Ethan have in store for me? I remembered how it had felt when he hit my ass with a flogger the night I stayed over at his Beverly Hills mansion. It had been the most incredible experience of my life. I hadn't known that sex could feel so incredible amazing until that night.

I found the ornate, silver buckets stacked up by the ice machine and begin to fill one. I heard someone approaching me from behind and a familiar voice said, "Kayla, I didn't realize you were back at the hotel."

I turned to face none other than Gwyneth. She had an ice bucket of her own in her hands, and we both smiled awkwardly at each other as she began to fill it.