
"Welcome, Miss Brandt. They're waiting for you in hair and make-up whenever you're ready. We'll save fitting you into wardrobe for last. I’m Margie, and I'll be your personal assistant."

The young intern was fresh faced and perky with her brown hair pulled back in a ponytail and wearing a cheap suit comprised of black polyester. At first, I had been nervous about coming to the studio that morning. Was it really a good idea to go through with the modeling job and risk seeing Ethan again? Did I even still have a job? But seeing how empty my checking account had become and knowing that rent was right around the corner prompted me to go through with it. Not to mention, Mick's gentle urgings.

"Do it, baby. We need the cash, and if that asshole bothers you again, just let me know and I'll kick his ass," he had said as I stood in front of my bedroom mirror fussing about what to wear and if I should even go at all.

The thought of Mick beating up Ethan had made me laugh. If my memory served correctly, the ass kicking had gone the other way around the last time, but it would have hurt Mick's pride to say so aloud, so I kept thought to myself.

"Does that mean you're coming to the cover shoot with me?" I asked hopefully.

Mick had gone to my couple modeling jobs. He'd sit in the back, smiling at me encouragingly, and make sure I was being treated right. He'd fetch me water when I got thirsty and hand me a robe between changes in lighting and set design. He made me feel special and it gave me the confidence boost I needed to make it through the shoot.

Lately though, he didn't seem that interested. In fact, a lot of times he didn't even bother to drive me there or pick me up and I had to take the city bus. Mick claimed he needed the car in case he got called in for a job interview, but I never understood why he couldn't just leave from the studio if necessary. Still, I hated to argue with him, so I didn't say anything.

"I'd love to go with you, baby, but I think I got an in on a job this afternoon. That friend of yours Samantha said they're looking for a bar-back at the club where she dances. I'm meeting her when her shift gets off and she's going to introduce me to the owner. This will be solid money for us, baby."

"That's great. Congratulations," I kissed him happily. "So I guess I should just take the bus to work."

"Yeah, I guess so. You don't mind, do you, baby?"

"Of course not." I smiled at him like I always did when I was disappointed, and somehow, he always believed I was happy.

When I got to the studio, I half expected it to be locked again, but they were open and the place was bustling with activity inside. Everything looked high-end and everyone seemed so professional, unlike most of my modeling jobs for Mick's business partners. I wasn't sure if I was relieved or even more anxious because of it.

Then, Margie greeted me and my fears melted away. She was so friendly and accommodating, she made me feel like a star. Plus, Ethan was nowhere in sight.

"Can I get you anything? Sparkling water, a latte, or something to eat? Do you want me to read you the L.A. Times while you're in the salon chair?" Margie talked fast and moved even faster.

"Just some flat water would be great, and perhaps some music to listen to. Something upbeat," I said, and within moments, my desires were granted. It was an amazing feeling to be so indulged and I reveled in it. The studio hairdresser styled my long, blonde tresses into fabulously thick waves that curled around my face, framing it perfectly. Somehow she managed to give my normally thin strands endless volume, making my hair sexy and lush, while still appearing soft and having the lightness to flow in the wind. It was amazing.

The make-up artist gave me a smoky-eye look in more natural shades of dark brown that was quite alluring, while keeping my lips such a soft shade of pink they appeared natural with just a hint of glossy shine. The overall affect was sexy without being slutty, intimate without being intimidating.

"What do you think, Mr. Colson?" I heard Margie ask. I looked up into the mirror to see Ethan standing in the back of the room.

"Perfect. Every man will want her. Now get her to wardrobe. The lighting team is almost done setting up, and I want to keep on schedule." He strode from the room without saying a word to me or even making eye contact.

He looked sexy as ever in a dark gray suit the same shade as his incredible eyes, and I felt my heart pounding in my chest. But he was a stalker and a sicko. I could never forget how he had barged into my apartment and assaulted my fiancé; even if he was trying to protect me, it was barbaric (although incredibly chivalrous). Then there was the way he tried to buy me as a prostitute — or was that Mick who had tried to sell me and Ethan just happened to be his intended client?

I couldn't tell anymore, but all I knew for sure was that I needed to push my animal instincts aside and focus on the fact that I was supposed to be mad at Ethan. My loyalty lay with my fiancé, I couldn't let myself have feelings for any other man, even one who made me feel alive for the first time in years the way that Ethan did whenever we were together.

"Are you all right, Miss Brandt?" Margie looked at me with a concern, and I saw from my reflection that my cheeks had become flushed.

"I'm fine. It must be all that aerosol from the hairspray," I lied, and Margie turned on a fan to clear the room.

I followed her to the wardrobe room where the seamstress was hand-tailoring a riding suit just for me. Skintight leather pants in royal blue with white stars decorating them and a red and white striped top, mimicking the American flag. The top half of the leather jumpsuit was left completely open, displaying my naked breasts for all the world to see, and I instantly blushed.

"This isn't that kind of magazine," I objected.

"Don't worry, Miss Brandt. Once we get you positioned up on the bike, we'll adjust the top of the suit so your nipples aren't showing. We want it to be clear to the audience that you're naked without actually exposing anything that will alarm the censors. You need to look sexy and alluring, without crossing the line into pornographic."

I recognized the speaker as being Keith Wilkes, the director of marketing for Speed Motorcycles. He'd interviewed me twice before the final meeting when Ethan actually hired me.

Laughing light-heartedly to mask my shyness, I said, "This feels borderline pornographic right now."

"We can remove all non-essential personal from the room during the shoot, but it's really important to Ethan that as much of your breasts be exposed as possible for the cover. It's why he hired you."

"I bet it is," I muttered under my breath.