At 21, Mick seemed so sophisticated and grown up. I couldn't believe a man with his own car and apartment would be interested in a dumb, high school kid like me, but he was. He showered all his attention on me, giving me the best shifts and feeding me dollops of ice-cream off the tip of his finger when no one was looking. I'd been devastated when he was fired a few months later, thinking I'd never see him again, but it didn't keep him from finding me.

"What are you doing here?" I remember asking with a blush when he showed up out front of Polk High School in his black Camaro. It was an older model and the engine needed tuning, but it was still the hottest car I'd ever seen in real life and he looked amazing in it with the top down and his arm draped casually over the passenger seat, inviting me to join him.

"What do mean? You're my girlfriend, aren't you? I came to pick you up." Mick flashed me a sexy grin, and I instantly turned to Jell-O. No guy had ever been interested in me, let alone asked me to be his girlfriend. I was always the shy girl with the pale, blonde hair that nobody ever noticed. I didn't play sports, I wasn't involved in any clubs, and I didn't have the best grades, or even the worst. I was completely average in every way and utterly forgettable. Nobody cared about me — not even my own parents, and now here was this man wanting me to get into his Camaro and calling me his girl. I'd never been so happy.

Mick treated me like a princess. He took me out on dates and told me I was beautiful. He made me feel interesting, sexy, and alive. When we made love for the first time on my seventeenth birthday, I knew I'd found my soulmate. One day we'd be married, buy a cute, little house somewhere in the country, and raise a family together. Of course, first I had to graduate high school, but that would happen soon enough, and Mick was working hard to secure a future for us with a variety of enterprises he was working on. He didn't like working for other people and all the bullshit that came with being an employee; he was going to run his own business one day and buy me everything I ever wanted.

I truly blossomed under Mick's love and attention, and by the time I was 18, nobody would consider me forge

ttable. I'd learned how to style my hair and wear make-up, and he had encouraged me to wear more fashionable clothes — and he was always buying me cute little outfits.

"This skirt is too short." I used to blush when I'd unwrap one of his gifts, but he'd just stroke my cheek and smile.

"You've got great legs, baby. I want to show my girl off. Put it on for me and let me see how sexy you look."

I'd felt uncomfortable in the low-cut dresses, crop tops that showed off my belly, and short skirts that barely covered my ass, but Mick always lavished me in attention whenever I wore them for him — and so did everybody else. It was something I could never quite get used to, but I would do anything for the man I loved and it clearly made him happy.

"You're so hot, you could be a model, baby," Mick complimented me one evening. It was a warm, spring night, and we were laying on the hood of his car in the park, looking up at the stars.

"Thanks, but I don't think so," I giggled under his praise.

He pulled me into his arms and kissed my lips tenderly. "Sure you could. You don't believe me? I'll prove it to you. I got you modeling gig down in L.A."

"As in Los Angeles, California? Yeah, right." I didn't believe him. Mick was always teasing me with wild stories that weren't true.

"No, I'm serious. A buddy of mine is starting a new business selling some shit, and he needs help with the distribution and marketing. He wanted a really hot, blonde girl to pose for the packaging, and I told him I knew a great model who would work for cheap: you."

"Me? I've never modeled."

"I know, it's perfect. You can launch your modeling career without even trying, my buddy can start his business, and I get a piece of the action on both ends. This will give us the money we need to start our life together. You want to get married, right?"

"Of course, I want to get married."

"You still love me, right?" Mick was kissing me now and stroking my face in the way he knew I liked.

"Of course, I still love you."

"Let's do this then. Let's go to L.A. tonight, right now." Mick stopped kissing me and jumped off the hood of the car. He was suddenly really amped up. He opened the car door for me, hurrying me into the vehicle, and then started the engine before I even knew what was happening.

"Wait. We can't go to L.A. right now."

"Why not?"

"What about high school? I graduate in just one month. We can go then."

"It might be too late by then. This job can't wait. I don't want him to give it to someone else and see you lose your big break. This is the opportunity of a lifetime for you, and I'm not going to be the one to get in your way and see you lose it.

“High school is just for losers who need some kind of degree for their miserable jobs that they work 40 hours a week. You don't need that. Models make their own schedules. Models travel the world, working when they want, and doing whatever they want. That's going to be you, baby, and I'm not letting you throw away this chance.

“As your manager, I'm taking you to L.A. tonight. If we drive all night, we can be there in no time, and before you know it, you'll be a star and I'll be able to tell everybody 'See that supermodel? That’s my wife'. Let's do this. Are you with me?"

"I don't know," I hesitated. This was a big step, but he was so excited and so sure. His mania was contagious and my fears were already being drowned out by his enthusiasm. "Do you really think we can do this?"

"Of course, we can. We can do anything we want. We're a team, you and me. You'll be a famous model, and I'll be an entrepreneur and your manager. This opportunity will give us the money we need to build a life together. I can't wait to marry you, baby. You still love me like I love you, right?"

"I do." We both recognized that was the exact phrase two people uttered when reciting their wedding vows, and it made us both smile. Gazing into each other's eyes, we kissed one last time, and then Mick put the car into gear and we sped off onto the highway and into our future.

Of course, things didn't work out quite like Mick had planned. His friend's modeling job turned out to be asking me to pose in my underwear for "massage oils" he had invented and was trying to market to L.A. sex shops. I was mortified and refused the job. Mick insisted that I do it, and since it was the difference between staying in a ratty motel or sleeping in the Camaro again, I went ahead and did it, but I never put the job on my résumé.