I loved Logan Hawkins. I wanted him to be part of my life.

The pleasure pushed out the thoughts as the pressure inside me finally exploded and cascaded through my body in a wave of pleasure. I cried out as my orgasm wracked me. A moment later, Logan shouted his own release.

We both stayed in our positions for a few moments, our breathing heavy and ragged. I finally rolled off him and dropped to his side.

Logan wrapped an arm around me and pulled me close. He kissed me on the forehead.

“I love you, Emily,” he said.

“I love you, too, Logan.”

Logan’s eyes widened for a moment. He smiled and kissed me again, this time on the lips. “I’m glad to hear that.”

“I love you, but I still can’t stay the night.”

“That’s fine.”

I half-closed my eyes and then sighed. “Let’s take a quick shower, and then I have to get going with Juniper.”

“Okay, then.” He shifted, and a few seconds later, he was picking me up.

I laughed. “What are you doing?”

“Taking my beloved into the shower.”

Heat burned my face, and it wasn’t from my orgasm. “Say it again.”

He gave me a lopsided grin. “My beloved.”

I smiled softly, realizing how much I could get used to hearing that.

Chapter Thirty-eight


Sunday morning, rays of sunlight warmed my face. I blinked my eyes open and then turned on my side away from the window.

I patted the space beside me on the bed. Cold and empty. Disappointment filled me.

I knew she wouldn’t be there, but that didn’t help. I clearly remembered Emily leaving the night before, but some small part of me was hoping by a miracle that I’d been wrong and that she’d come back.

The idea of waking up next to Emily, not for one day but for the rest of our lives, really appealed to me. Emily and Juniper were my future. I knew that now in my mind, heart, and soul.

The memory of Emily’s lips on mine and her riding me almost overwhelmed me. It was far from the first time we’d had sex, but the previous night’s fun seemed deeper, more intimate somehow. It was like I’d remember it for the rest of my life, no matter what else happened.

The reason was obvious upon reflection. What we shared last night was glorious, not because of the lovemaking along but because of how we bared our souls. I knew now without a doubt, Emily loved me as much as I loved her. Whatever else she said or whatever she wanted to call what we had, I didn’t care. We’d get there in the end now that we’d both admitted our feelings. It was a matter of time before I would be waking up next to her every day.

I let out a long yawn and glanced over at my clock, reading 7:30 a.m. Church was at nine, and I needed to pick my mother up before heading over there.

It was time to get in the shower and get cleaned up. Everything else with Emily, I could figure out later.

* * *

After church, my mother and I ended up at one of her preferred “post-sermon” restaurants as she called them. She’d always told me growing up that a little brunch after hearing about God would help both the food and the Word go down more smoothly.

I’d never been sure about that, but I’d skipped breakfast, so I was more than looking forward to something, anything really, to eat. My stomach rumbled as our waitress seated us.

“I’ll have some coffee,” I said.