was simply a sin of omission, didn't feel good, but having to explain my parents and their manipulative ways felt even worse knowing what I knew now about the Millers. If Grace loved me right now, I didn't want to risk her learning anything about my family until we'd had more time to get to know each other. And I definitely didn't want her attending a gala that my mother had any part in arranging. I cringed when I thought about how my mother would react to me bringing a girl like Grace to one of her million-dollar parties, and then I felt angry at myself for thinking that way.

"Adam?" Grace called into the phone. "Are you still there?"

"Yeah, I'm here. Sorry, got distracted thinking about your pink nightgown," I said trying to cover my silence.

"You're hopeless," she laughed. The sound of her laughter made me smile and also made me miss her even more. Maybe when I got to Chicago, once the party was over, I'd call her and surprise her. No, she wouldn't like the fact that I'd promised to stay with her family while she returned to take care of business. I'd made a promise, and I intended to keep it—after I'd made an appearance at the party.

"I'm something, but I'm not sure it's hopeless," I flirted making her laughter flow through the phone again.

"Hey, I wanted to ask you something," she said just as Honor came pounding up the porch.

"ENGLISH, your car is here!" she shouted. "Come see this machine!"

"Oh crap, they brought the Mustang over," I said peering out the screen door and seeing one of the service guys climbing out of the car. "I have to go take care of this; can we continue this conversation later?"

"Of course, go do what you need to do," she said. "I've got to go find a dress and shoes for this affair tomorrow night."

"Just do what you normally do; you always look good to me," I said. "But not the Amish dress."

"Oh heavens no!" Grace gasped before she started laughing again. "Perish the thought!"

"I have to go or else Danny's going to hop in the car and try to drive off," I said. "And given his propensity for learning new technology, I'm not sure that's entirely impossible!"

"Go! I'll take to you later," she shouted before I disconnected and headed out to see what they'd managed to do to fix the car.

"Hey, you guys were supposed to call me when you were done!" I shouted as the young mechanic finished polishing the side mirror.

"Yeah, well, I told them I'd drive it out to you," he said with a sheepish grin. "It's not often that we get a car like this in for repairs."

"I can totally understand," I said as I walked around the car and let out a low whistle. "Man, you guys did an amazing job of fixing her."

"It helped that we were able to get authentic parts shipped in from Indy," he nodded. "But the guys in the shop are really talented and that helps."

"Okay, what do I owe you?" I asked as I pulled out my wallet and fished in it for the credit card I'd use to cover the bill.

"Nah, we billed the insurance company listed on the paperwork in the car," he said waving me off. "They paid immediately, so the bill's all taken care of."

"You're kidding me?" I said stunned that they'd taken care of everything so quickly and efficiently.

"Nah, the boss negotiated with the insurance company and they agreed to pay after he got a copy of the accident report from the sheriff," the man said.

"I didn't file an accident report," I said looking at him and feeling confused.

"Mr. Wallace, this is a small town," he said with a wide grin. "We have ways of making sure things get done efficiently."

"I'll say," I muttered as I watched Danny open the door and sit down in the driver's seat. I turned back to the man in overalls and said, "What did you say your name was?"

"I didn't, but it's Al," he said vigorously rubbing his oil stained hand on his coveralls before offering it to me.

"Al, you and your team seem like people who can get things done," I said as a plan rapidly began taking shape in my brain.

"I reckon," he nodded. "What'd you have in mind?"

"I want you to meet someone," I said as I turned toward the house. "Come with me."

Al followed me to the kitchen screen door where I called to Verity and asked her to come outside. As Honor and Danny traded off playing racecar driver, I explained my idea to Al and Verity. By the time I was done, they both nodded and agreed that my plan had merit, but Al needed to get the word out to local farmers who weren't part of the Amish community.

Verity said she'd go into town and make sure the store was ready, then asked if I wanted to go with her. I shook my head and told her we'd talk about it over supper. I didn't want anyone outside of the family to know that neither Grace nor I were going to be at the house over the weekend. It seemed less risky.