Page 24 of The Boss 2

“Do not touch me,” I said, glaring at her.

“I wasn’t going to.” She shrugged and walked towards my liquor cabinet. “I am way past any pretenses. I told you what I wanted and I am not going to make futile and needless attempts to try and sleep with you anymore.”

She walked towards me with a glass. “Scotch on the rocks. You look like you need a drink.”

“You think you know me so well because you know what I like to drink?” I scoffed. “Guess what? So does ever teenage girl in the country who reads ZEN magazine.”

“Just take the drink and relax. I can draw you up a nice bath if you want. I’m here for you. Although you don’t think that’s possible, obviously.”

I begrudgingly accepted the drink and took a large swig, surprised by how much better it made me feel. “Happy?”

“Not yet. Who were you speaking to? What’s bothering you so much?”

“It’s work,” I lied. “A very important deal might be falling through but I won’t know until tomorrow. It’s a takeover of a boutique bank that would have really helped our expansion strategies.”

“Is the boutique bank named Aria?” She said, probably feeling clever. “I heard you use that name.”

“Aria is an employee helping me with the paperwork. Do you want to se

e her employee profile from the bank? You probably don’t believe she is actually working for me do you?”

“Oh, I believe she’s working for you alright, but in more ways than one.”

“You want to be friends?” I snapped. “Then don’t fucking push it and trust me. I don’t know if I will be accepting your offer yet, but if you want me to then you really need to do better than whatever this is.”

“I made you a drink!” She exclaimed as though she had just built me the Eiffel Tower.

“And now I am asking that you get out.”

“Fine. I tried.” She marched away, leaving me alone with my thoughts again.

I had no idea how I was going to deal with the Aria situation. I had two options. The first was completely unacceptable: I could terminate the contract on her terms. No, that was not happening. I would have to be really weak in order to let a twenty year old girl win like that. Letting her off easy would be admitting defeat, something I had never done in my life, and I wasn’t going to start now. This was why I wanted to continue the contract. Plus, I craved her body. I slept every night dreaming of the times we had sex and thinking of all the ways in which I could please her and she could please me. I wasn’t going to sit there and pretend that the sex part didn’t matter; it did and it was quite a significant part of why I enjoyed our dalliance so much.

But there was more…

There were the sassy conversations we had. There was her intelligence. There was her stubborn defiance that at once made me so fond of her and so frustrated with her. There was the way she laughed: so contagious. And the way she removed her perfectly red hair from her eyes, slightly frowning through the side of her mouth, assuming nobody would notice her annoyance with the strand that dared to interfere with her vision. There was also the way she fucked me: with so much passion and effort. For someone who had only had sex once before me, she was more talented than any woman I had ever slept with. She just knew how to drive me completely and utterly insane, in and out of bed.

Somewhere between the contract and the dates in my office and all the talks about her Economics paper, Aria Roberts had managed to penetrate a part of my being that I believed had long ceased to exist. This wasn’t something I was proud of, but it was, unfortunately, a fact that I could no longer ignore. I cared about Aria, more than I had cared about any girl or woman in a long time. It mattered to me that she was happy and it mattered to me that she was happy with me. The way things had taken a turn, she was not going to be happy with me if I forced her to stay in the contract. But the alternative was to let her go, and that was not something I would allow happen.

The second option was to force her to continue the contract – the option I had already inadvertently chosen, the minute she talked of possibly breaking it – but to find a way to make her happy with me again. No matter what I had said to her about my reaction to her ex-boyfriend, truth was it was pure jealously.

Something I really needed to keep in control, at least around her, even if I felt it inside. She had said I had gotten too controlling. I wasn’t sure how I could fix that. That was the side effect of my entire existence: being on top of the food chain all my life involved the ability to get everyone around me to do as I say at all times. Mesmerized by my wealth and power, not a single person – other than my mother, and she too had to use emotionally manipulative tactics to defy me – had ever felt the need to criticize my approach. People usually just resigned to accepting me as a superior and did as I said.

Aria was obviously different from most people I knew, so I had to find a new approach. I didn’t have to, technically. I could let her continue the contract and be miserable. Some part of me felt like that was exactly what she deserved. But, no. I would not be able to handle an encounter with her where I knew that she would rather be any place in the world other than with me. If she wasn’t enjoying herself, I wouldn’t be able to enjoy her company. She wouldn’t be the Aria I had grown to care for.

So perhaps it was time to try something new. I picked up my phone and called Aria. She didn’t answer so I kept calling until she did.

“I get it, I am confined to your contract until eternity and beyond – or whenever you decide you are done with me. You made it very, very clear already. What more do you want?” She sounded like she had been crying.

“I want to apologize,” I said as softly as possible. “For my behavior. I am sorry.”

There was silence on the other end for what felt like a lifetime. She must have been shocked. This apology was probably the last thing she was expecting.

“Are you really sorry?” She asked, sounding much less miserable.

“I am. But I am not letting you out of the contract. That’s not negotiable.”

“Then why are we having this conversation right now?”