“I… Nothing,” I said, chickening out yet again.

I knew he was too busy to press the issue. “I’m going to be another hour or two.”

“That’s fine,” I said.

“You’re sure?”


“You’re a Godsend, Kristen,” Jake said fervently.

I bit my lip as tears jumped to my eyes. I wondered if he would still think that once he knew the truth. I prayed that he would, but a little voice inside my head told me that, just like with Daphne, I was being naïve again.

Chapter Twenty-Five


The Caveman Bar was a quiet little pub nestled in one corner of the city. It was sort of a hidden gem, and I loved going there because it was rarely crowded. The atmosphere was calm and relaxed, the booze was good, and the music was low enough that you could actually hold a conversation. I went ahead and ordered two beers for myself and for Luis.

He showed up ten minutes late, wearing a dark t-shirt and jeans. The light reflected off his bald head, making it gleam. He sat down next to me and grabbed the beer that had just arrived.

“Cheers,” he said after he had chugged down nearly half the glass.

“I think you need to do that first,” I said, smirking at him.

Luis smiled. “How’ve you been?”

“Good, actually.”

“Yeah, I was just about to say, you look good,” he said, observing me with a keen eye. “There’s something different about you.”

“Is there?” I asked, trying to look innocent.

“How’s work?”

“Work’s been hectic lately,” I said. “I’ve been running around trying to stay on top of things, but I’m thinking of speaking to the board soon.”

“What about?”

“About my workload and the reality of running this company single-handed,” I said. “I need some backup, or I’m not going to be able to hold up for much longer. It would be fine if I didn’t have anyone at home waiting for me, but I have a son, and as it stands, I don’t see him as often as I should.”

Luis was looking at me with a strange expression, like he couldn’t quite believe his eyes.

“What?” I asked.

“Nothing,” he said, reaching for his beer again. “I guess I just can’t believe it.”

“Believe what?”

“That you went from a major in the military to the CEO of a company in a matter of years,” he said. “It’s impressive.”

I smiled. “Sometimes I can’t quite believe it myself.”

“I wish my transition to civilian life could be as smooth—and as meteoric, to be honest,” Luis said.

“I know I’m lucky,” I nodded. “I know that not everyone gets the opportunities I’ve been given. But still…I miss it.”

“You miss being in the field?”