

“It’s Jake,” I said, rushing through my words. “Noah’s sick, and he needs to be picked up from school. I can’t go because I have meetings all day, so could you please—”

She cut me off before I could finish. “I’m sorry, Jake,” she said quickly. “I have classes all morning.”


“I’m in college,” she said. “And, I have lectures I need to be at. I can pick him up in two hours if you want?”

“Fuck,” I said, under my breath. “He needs to be picked up now.”

She hesitated a moment. “Sorry, I don’t think I can help you today.”

Sighing, I looked at my schedule and then at my watch. There was no way I could pick Noah up and still make it back here in time for the meeting. But I knew I had to try.

“Fine,” I said, hanging up. So much for being flexible... I needed to find someone reliable and soon.

I grabbed my coat and rushed outside. Kristen looked up with a start as I zoomed past her.


“Kristen, see if you can push my meeting. I need to pick Noah up from school”

I didn’t even stay to make sure she had understood my instructions. I just got into my car and drove. Nine minutes later, I parked in front of the school and rushed inside. Noah was sitting outside his classroom with the teacher I assumed was Ms. Lowry. When Noah saw me, his face widened into a tired smile, and I was instantly glad I had come myself.

“Daddy,” he cried, as he walked to me.

“Hey, buddy,” I said. “What happened?”

“I threw up,” he said. “I hate throwing up.”

“I know, buddy,” I said, shocked that I had forgotten that. “How are you feeling now?”

“Little better,” he said as he sunk into my arms.

I returned the hug and then pulled back a little so that I could examine his face. His bright eyes were dim, and his color looked a little off. Other than that, he seemed fine, just a harmless infection that would no doubt pass. I picked him and immediately, he rested his head on my shoulder. I felt a wave of love wash over me, and I kissed the top of Noah’s head, glad that I hadn’t sent anyone else in my place.

“I’ll take him home now,” I said to his teacher.

Ms. Lowry turned her dark eyes onto Noah. “We’ll miss you, Noah,” she said. “But rest up, and we’ll see you again in a few days, okay?”

“Okay, Ms. Lowry,” Noah nodded, without raising his head from my shoulder. “Buh-bye.”

I carried Noah back to my car and strapped him into his seat in the back. Then we started the drive home. I was aware that my meeting would start in ten minutes and I was also aware of the fact that I would never make it in time. The moment we got home, I got Noah into his favorite pajamas and into bed.

“Hey, buddy, do you feel up to eating anything?”

Noah shook his head vigorously. “I’ll throw up again… I hate throwing up.”

“I know, buddy,” I said, rubbing his head slowly. “You don’t have to eat anything now if you don’t want to. But some soup might help.”


I nodded. “Okay then… Listen, buddy, Daddy has some important meetings today—”

“I want you to stay,” Noah protested adamantly before I could even finish my sentence. I felt myself tense.