“It just might actually,” I said. “I’ll stick with Ted, thank you. And, you haven’t answered my question yet. Is he still there?”

“He’s…been around.”

“What does that mean?”

“He comes and goes.”

“Like always, huh?” I said coldly. “Some things never change.”

“He is your father,” she said.

“In name only,” I shot back. “He has never been my father.”


“No,” I snapped. “He doesn’t get to waltz in and out of our lives whenever he pleases and expect to be welcomed each time. You may not be willing to admit the truth, but I accepted it a long time ago.”

“Is that so?” Mom asked angrily. “And, what truth is that?”

“That Ted never really cared about either one of us. He just used you because he knew you would just keep taking him back no matter how badly he treated you.”

“That’s not true—”

“Bullshit,” I interrupted. “I don’t know what kind of sick power he has over you, but it’s worked for him all these years. You need to wake up and face the truth, Mom.”

“Don’t you think that’s a little hypocritical of you?” she asked pointedly. “Especially given the reason you moved to San Diego in the first place.”

“That wasn’t the reason,” I said defensively. “It wasn’t the…whole reason.”

“No?” she asked. “Then why were you looking him up?”

“You had no right to go through my computer,” I said furiously.

“Spare me.”

I shook my head. “You are unbelievable,” I said. “How did you manage to turn this around and make it seem like I’m the one with the problem?”

“Let me ask you this,” she said, in an almost smug voice. “Have you told him?”

“What?” I said, pretending like I didn’t know what she was asking.

Inside, however, I was panicking. This was the very thing that I’d been worrying about for the past few days. Mom was right about some things, but the rebel in me couldn’t bring myself to admit that.

“Oh, you know who I’m talking about,” she said firmly. “Have you told Jake who you are?”

“I…no,” I said, unable to avoid the question.

“So what? He just thinks you’re his secretary and nothing else?”

“I will tell him.”

“When?” she demanded.

“When the time is right.”

She laughed. “I never understood why you cared so much about Daphne, about her career and her life and her family.”

“Why do I care?” I said. “How could I not?”