"I'll call her now."

She searched for a contact on her phone and made the call.

"Hi, Angie," she said, and then proceeded to ask her friend if she could help us out. She seemed willing to, saying that she was friends with Simon on Facebook, and a few minutes later, she sent Vivienne a recent picture of him, which she then forwarded to my phone.

Vivienne recoiled at the sight of his face and handed me the phone so that I could take a look. I had to admit that I was curious as to how this guy looked. Usually, we think of psychos and stalkers and other such criminals as being ugly, creepy-looking people. This guy looked nothing like you'd imagine such a person to look. He was pretty good-looking, as much as I hated to admit it. Well-built and broad-shouldered with short, stylishly cut blond hair, a strong, square, cleanly-shaven jaw, and the kind of blue eyes my sister used to say would make a woman swoon. He had that look like he was probably the captain of his high school football team. I didn't like him already.

"This is him?"

"That's him," she said, disgust laced in her words.

"He's, uh, better looking than I expected," I remarked.

"Looks can be deceiving. You haven't seen how ugly he is on the inside."

"Yeah, I know, I've known my share of those types. Well, let me take a shower and get dressed and head on over the road to talk to Mrs. Dobbins. If you want to fix some breakfast in the meantime, I would not be opposed to that," I winked at her.

"I can do that. How does some good old bacon and eggs sound?"

I chuckled.

"A little less healthy than I'm used to, but it's a Sunday, so why not."

"You do have some in your fridge, don't you?" she asked. "Since it's not what you usually eat ..."

"Ah, yeah, I uh, I guess I don't. I do have eggs, though."

"So, omelets then?" she grinned.


"I'll get on that; you get your sexy self in the shower so you can get to the hospital."

A mischievous smile emerged, and I leaned in for a kiss. "It'd be a whole lot more fun if you joined me in the shower," I said with a wink and a grin.

"Well, then we both know how that would go. We'd be in there all morning... and like it or not, we do have stuff we need to do!"

"I know, I know... This real-life thing, huh... What a drag."

"Totally. Jeez Mr. high school principal, you sound a lot like a teenager right now!"

I laughed. "I blame you."

She pushed me away, smiling. "Go. Alright, alright, enough messing around now. I'm gonna go hit the shower."

"See you soon... and there'll be a piping hot breakfast waiting for you."

"Mm, I'm looking forward to that!"

"I bet you are!"

I gave her one last kiss and then headed off to take a shower. When I was done, I went and got dressed, got my phone, and then headed across the street to Mrs. Dobbins' house while Vivienne finished the omelets.

I knocked on the door, and less than two seconds later, she opened it; either she had been expecting me, or she had watched me approaching her house from behind her drapes or something.

"Well, hello there, Mr. James," she said, beaming a great big smile at me. "How are you doing on this fine sunny morning?"

"It certainly is a fine morning, and I'm feeling pretty good, to be honest. How are you, Mrs. Dobbins?"