"You don't want to do this?" he asked, confused.

"It's not that," I purred, "it's that I want you – no, I need you – inside me, right now. I can't wait any longer."

He kissed me deeply, penetrating my mouth with his hot, keen tongue, and scooped me up in his arms. He swiftly made his way to the bedroom and gently laid me down on the bed as he positioned himself on top of me. I parted my legs to allow him access and helped guide his steel-hard cock into me, inch by glorious inch until it filled me. We both let out long, intense gasps of pleasure as he filled me and began thrusting, slowly at first, but increasing the tempo and pressure with every successive stroke. He slipped his hands through mine, and we held hands tightly as our love-making became more and more intense.

With every powerful thrust, a wave of bliss ripped through me, pulsing and shooting from my center to every part of my being. I could feel an orgasm building with force inside me.

Everett moaned and shuddered with pleasure, sweat glistening on his hard muscles as he began to thrust with an almost animalistic fervor, stoking the fires of my orgasm. Every stroke was coming fast and hard, and each one blasted an even more intense wave of pleasure through me than the previous one. My orgasm was imminent, and

with unbridled intensity, it surged through every cell of my body. I cried out with pleasure as it ripped through me, sending sheer bliss through every inch of me, and making me feel so closely connected to Everett that it was if I had become part of him.

He slowed his rhythm and allowed me to catch my breath, but remained inside me.

"Holy hell, that felt so good. That was so intense..." I mumbled between breaths.

He grinned, sweat glistening on his handsome face.

"I hope you're ready for more," he said. "Because I'm far from done. In fact, I'm only just getting started..."

And then, still tingling from the waves of the first orgasm, he began to thrust again, and I soon felt the stirrings of yet another one coming on.

Chapter Twenty


I woke up with Vivienne sleeping peacefully in my arms and realized that it had been a very, very long time since I had woken up like this. I had slept peacefully through the night, having been able to quit worrying, even if only temporarily, about both Jane and the saga at school. I leaned over, trying not to wake her, and looked at my clock; it was seven in the morning, far later than I usually stayed in bed. Still, there was no doubt I needed a bit of a sleep-in after all the stress of everything that had happened, and everything that was still going on. It was still rather early, so I tried to be quiet.

Despite how careful I'd been in moving, Vivienne started to stir. She opened her eyes and smiled, and then leaned in and squeezed me tightly. I hugged her back, and we simply lay like that for a while, with the morning sunlight coming in bright golden shafts through the gaps in the drapes.

Eventually, we disengaged, and I smiled at her when her eyes finally fluttered open.

"Morning, beautiful," I said. "How'd you sleep?"

"Outstanding," she muttered lazily.

"That was quite a night."

"Yes, it was," she replied with a flirty grin. "I haven't had a night like that in... maybe ever."

"I haven't either; I really needed it."

"I'd venture to say that makes two of us," she said.

“Give me a minute to call the hospital and see how Jane is doing, then I’ll be right back. After a quick call and an assurance from the nurses that Jane was doing okay and still asleep, I turned my attention back to the woman in my bed.

"Let's throw on some music," I said. "I always like to listen to music in the morning."

"Sure thing."

I went over to my CD collection, which I browsed through for a while. I grinned as I spotted a record that I thought would be ideal.

"Hey, I'm gonna play a song for you," I said to her, smiling cheekily.

"Alright," she replied, smiling curiously.

I took the CD out of its case and popped it into the stereo, and then skipped to the track I wanted. I hit “play” and started nodding my head as the opening guitar riff started coming out of the speakers.

"Recognize it?" I asked as Alice Cooper's “Poison” started playing.