The need to see Kristen again outside of work was what fueled me on. Only seconds after I had pulled up outside her apartment building, I saw her step outside in a red dress that had my attention immediately. The dress was a simple and bold red, with short sleeves and a classic shape that complimented her hourglass figure. She kept her auburn hair loose, and I could tell that her makeup was natural and minimalistic.

I got out of the car when she approached and gave her a smile. “Hi,” I said. “You look…nice.”

I had wanted to say pretty or beautiful, but somehow that felt too…much. Once I had landed awkwardly on nice, I felt my nerves rise just a little bit more. I didn’t even get a chance to open the door for her because she smiled, thanked me for the compliment, and opened the door herself.

I got inside and headed towards the restaurant I had chosen for the night. It was a quiet little gastro pub in the heart of the city that served beautiful food with unique twists. I had chosen it more for the quiet and romantic atmosphere than the menu, however. We settled into silence as I drove, mostly because I couldn’t think of anything to say.

“You look nice, too,” Kristen said, breaking the silence.

I couldn’t help but smile. “Thanks,” I said. “You know, I’m glad you agreed to go out with me tonight.”


“I thought you might be a little skittish about going on a date with your boss.”

“So this is a date, then?” she asked bluntly.

I smiled. “Yes.”

“Oh good,” she said, giving a sigh of relief. “I wasn’t completely sure. I was worried the red dress might be a little much if it turned out to be a business thing.”

I tried to suppress my smile of amusement. I liked how forthright and honest she was. It made me feel more at east around her, almost as though I could be myself around her because she wouldn’t be too hard on me.

“I’m glad you decided on the red dress,” I said. “I’ve always loved the color.”

“Not me,” Kristen said.

“You don’t like the color red?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

She laughed. “You’re wondering why I’m wearing red, then?”

“It did cross my mind.”

“When I was in high school, I wore glasses and braces. I had a face full of freckles, and my hair was redder than auburn. Basically, I wasn’t winning any beauty pageants. There was this group of girls who made fun of me. One day I showed up in this red dress, and they basically heckled me so badly I lost all my love for the color.

“But then this teacher of mine sat me down during the lunch break and told me to take my power back. She told me that if I let them change me—then they win. And, I become the victim, and that would follow me around for the rest of my life. She made one heck of a speech, and by the end of it, she had completely converted me. After that, I showed up every day in red. I never really liked the color the same way again, but I wear it still out of defiance more than anything else.”

I listened to her speak, and her character began to take shape before me. And as I discovered little aspects of her I started to feel more and more drawn to her.

“That’s some story.”

“Is it?” Kristen said, shrugging. “It’s the first time I’ve told it to anyone.”

“And, you chose to share it with me for the first time?” I said, feeling oddly flattered.

She blushed slightly. “I feel as though I can trust you,” she said, in a shy voice.

“I’m glad you feel that way.”

The conversation was not usual, which was probably why I found myself getting more confused and aroused as we talked. Her openness was attractive and made her more beautiful in my eyes. I walked into the restaurant in a haze, trying to figure out everything I was feeling so that I wouldn’t trip over my own emotion. We ordered quickly, and once we were alone again, I turned to Kristen, desperate to know more about her.

“How’s Noah?” she asked before I could say anything.

I smiled. “He’s doing great,” I said. “He showed me his completed leaf project today,” I revealed.

“Yeah?” She sounded excited. “And? Best leaf project ever?”

“Of course,” I nodded. “My little man knows how to put together one mean leaf project.”